mercredi 25 mars 2015

Final Episodes prediction for Season 3

1) How do you think the rest of the season will play out and end, including the final episode.

2) How do you want it to end?

For me:

1) There are so many subplots, I'll try to cover the main ones. I think Diggle possible loses his baby somehow due to Ra's. I think Oliver realizes he can't win this war, takes up being the new Ra's in order to shut the league down from the inside and in turn something happens to the baby. This could lead to Diggle and Oliver on shaky ground heading into next season. Oliver ends the LoA from the inside to become Green Arrow. They introduce hints for the next villain at the season's end, possibly that villian even giving Oliver the name Green Arrow.

Not sure what to make of the entire Sara and Laurel situation with the news of the spin-off. Maybe time got altered and Sara is alive, and she stays the Canary towards the end of the season, but since Oliver defeated them by becoming Ra's temporarily, she feels lost and gives that pastime up. I think detective Lance will survive and his heart issues is a red herring for now. He is a good plot device for seasons come come.

2) I hope they get rid of The Atom. Give him his own show, put him on the flash, but just get him out of Arrow. A super suit on a vigilante show will just outshine the main character. Not to sound like a hater, but I also don't like Laurel. I enjoy watching her ass get kicked though, but it's obvious she will get training from Nyssa. I would be okay with Nyssa training Laurel, and making Laurel from some sort of Birds of Prey group and only showing up occasionally giving her less airtime.

As far as the next season main big bad, I hope they focus more time on him. Season 2 was great, we got a lot of Slade Wilson it seemed like. Will be interesting to see what they do with Shado now that we have seen her in flashbacks.

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