mercredi 25 mars 2015

Keeping Harley Quinn on the Team [Spoilers]

During the first run on the New 52 era of Suicide Squad, Harley betrays the team in an effort to hunt for The Joker. Although Waller tells Deadshot to bring Harley back dead or alive, Waller winds up keeping Harley alive after she had been mortally wounded by Deadshot. From a marketing standpoint, I understand why Harley was kept alive and why Harley remains on the team, even with the New Suicide Squad.

My question is, do you believe in Waller's claim that she needs Harley alive because she needs her on the team? That is to say, do you believe that Harley offers an invaluable skill or element that makes the team more formidable, therefore justifying Waller's choice to keep Harley alive? It just seems odd that Waller gave the option for dead or alive (suggesting that she was unconcerned about Harely's ultimate fate), but then opts to keep her alive when the opportunity arises to see her dead.

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