jeudi 26 mars 2015

What if they brought back mail aways?

Remember back......waaayyy back. Mainly for Star Wars figures. You used to be able to send off 5 proof of purchases to Kenner and they would mail you an exclusive figure. .....hasbro has done this with star wars as recently as a few years ago even.

So I'm thinking. ...mainly about Marvel Legends. Buy what if they got rid of the Build a figure pieces in their figures and instead offered mail aways.

I guess they would print up some online code or something like that inside the figure that you could enter online. And put up on 4 or 5 exclusive figures that you can choose from. Not specifically one for each wave. But if you buy every figure released you would have enough codes to get every figure. But if you didn't want one of the exclusives then you could pick and choose from your regular waves to just get the mail away guys you want.

Just a random night shift thought.

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