vendredi 13 mars 2015

You Are What You Like

I was reading this Cracked article (found here) and one of the entries was about an algorithm that is able to figure out a bunch of your personality traits based on just your "Likes". It was developed by a joint Cambridge and Microsoft team that made a paper about it (which you can read here). It's a pretty neat thing but honestly besides music stuff I haven't liked much of anything on Bookface for a while. I gave it a go and here are the results based on my likes:


My Openness is

52% Liberal and Artistic as opposed to 48% Conservative and Traditional

My Conscientiousness is

63% Spontaneous and Flexible as opposed to 37% Well Organized

My Extraversion is

71% Shy and Reserved as opposed to 29% Active and Outgoing

My Agreeableness is

80% Assertive and Competitive as opposed to 20% Warm, Trusting and Cooperative

My Neuroticism is

93% Calm and Relaxed as opposed to 7% Emotional and stressed

Now I consider myself way more liberal and artistic than that shows. I think the spontaneity thing is pretty right on. The weird one for me is most people consider me pretty outgoing and charismatic whereas I actually prefer to keep to myself, so it's kind of weird that it pegged me for an introvert. I've always felt like an introvert inside an extroverts body haha. And I def agree that I'm usually calm and relaxed but when I do get set off I tend to go nuclear.

But those were my results and I'm curious to see if it works as well for the rest of you. Just go the website and log into it with your Bookface and it will analyze the result and you can post them here as well as share with your friends.

Here is the website:

I look forward to seeing your results!

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