jeudi 12 mars 2015

Would you be okay with Miles Morales becoming Spider-Man after Civil War?

Okay Spider-Board, listen me up for a little bit. I've been trying my hardest to get all the pieces of the puzzle that is the casting of the MCU Spider-Man and I was sort of hit with an epiphany of sorts:

What if ALL the rumors are partially true?

Calm down, once again, please I'm asking you for listen me up for a little bit. Dylan O'Brien is basically everyone's favorite fancasting for Spider-Man. He is genuinely perfect for the role, that's quite clear to me. He is in fact my favorite choice for the role, but at the same time I've been taking Latino-Review's, HitFix's and TheWrap's word and pratically ruling him and Logan Lerman out of the run for the Spider-Man role.

I was trying to think that Marvel would be going with an actual teenager for Peter Parker, and I've got lost into a conundrum of mixed feelings because while we can all agree that Asa Butterfield is a very talented 17 years old actor, it's clear that he doesn't have the same kind of speed talking that someone like Dylan O'Brien does, it's literally like O'Brien has been born for this role.

Then it hit me: what if Dylan O'Brien IS Spider-Man. What if he is acting suspicious because he IS playing Peter Parker, or at least been among the shortlist of contenders to play Peter Parker, but there is a catch: Jeff Sneider sources are also right that they are going with a different Spider-Man that ISN'T Peter Parker, but since he isn't an actual Spider-Man fan, he couldn't see the big picture: if they are thinking about using Miles Morales, they need a Spider-Man. They need a Peter Parker first.

Some are counterpointing my theory saying that Marvel "wouldn't do that" now, and I agree that they SHOULDN'T do that now, but what if they are doing it? One of Marvel's biggest mottos is to give what the fans NEED, not what the fans WANT. That's actually one of the oldest sayings when it comes to fiction.

I don't want Marvel to do that. I'm completely against Marvel introducing Peter Parker in the MCU just so he'll die in Civil War, but here is what I think they'll be doing:

Dylan O'Brien IS Spider-Man, a 16 year old kid called Peter Parker that got bitten by a radioactive spider and learned the hardest way that with great power comes great responsibility. He has been Spider-Man for about one year, he lives with his Aunt May and he worships the Avengers. They are the heroes he looks up other than his Uncle Ben. They are the Beatles saving the world every other day, he is the D.I.Y. punk rock kid trying to keep New York safe.

Civil War in the comics was a big fall out between Steve and Tony, with Steve thinking the government should let superheroes do their thing while Tony thinking that heroes needed regulation. Peter Parker is our POV in Civil War, don't be fooled, Cap and Iron Man are the epicenter of the film, but Peter is us: we all love Cap and Iron Man and wish both could get along and get back taking down villains north and south.

Iron Man sees a lot of himself in Peter, both are genius, and he is somehow trying to make up for the loss of his science bro Bruce Banner, which I firmly believe will indeed go into some sort of exile after Age of Ultron. Tony sees in Peter a chance to make him the poster boy of his government sponsored Avengers, since I believe that Stark will become head of SHIELD in Civil War.

Just like in the famous scene, Peter Parker unmasks and tells the world that he is Spider-Man. Obviously things go all downhill from there and at some point, Spidey change sides and turns against Iron Man's side. Somehow, Peter is killed, possibly saving Captain America in the process.

That's the curveball in Civil War. Everyone is actually expecting Cap to die. I don't think he will. I think he'll almost kill Iron Man, just like the scene below. Now think how fitting that is: First Avenger starts with Steve repeatedly getting knocked out by a bully, and he just keep getting up, ultimately, Bucky saves him. In Winter Soldier, it ends with Cap not fighting Bucky back, because he is his friend. The death of Peter, the death of someone so noble like Peter - especially if Iron Man is indirectly responsible - would make Steve go all berserk on Tony, they could literally just adapt this Civil War page:

The reason I'm making this post is not because I want this to happen. It's because I want Marvel and Sony to actually reconsider doing that if that's somewhat kind of what they are going for. In fact, I'm posting this as a form to say to Marvel that if that's even similar to what you are going for, PLEASE don't. Let Spider-Man be Spider-Man. Give O'Brien or whoever you cast the opportunity of having his own MCU trilogy. Then after we actually get to love and care this incarnation of Spider-Man, introduce us Miles.

Here's a brief summary of what I think it's going to happen:

  • Dylan O'Brien is Spider-Man. Spider-Man is young and has been Spider-Man since he was a 15 years old, he is 16 now.

  • The registration act in the MCU means that in order to the supes have authorization to operate, they have to be government sanctioned.

  • Iron Man convinces Spidey that's the right thing to do, Cap disagrees and forms his own team of New Avengers and they are hunt down by SHIELD, now directed by Tony Stark.

  • Iron Man is actually Spider-Man's hero, and they bond as science genius with insane ad libbing skills.

  • Just like his hero, Spider-Man reveals his secret identity to the World.

  • Something happens that makes him change to Captain side.

  • Spider-Man dies.

  • Captain America goes mad and almost kills Iron Man, this scene is a literal adaptation of the Civil War page, up until Winter Soldier stops Cap from murdering Iron Man, who is indirectly to blame for Spider-Man's death.

  • Miles Morales is also introduced, and just like in his origin, it's actually bitten by a spider in Civil War, gaining powers, but he is too afraid of taking and he blames himself for Peter's death.

  • In 2017, Ultimate Spider-Man.

  • In 2019, the return of Peter Parker in Infinity War Part 2.

  • In 2020, Spider-Men, with Peter and Miles teaming up.

I don't want Peter Parker to die in Civil War, even if they'll bring him back in Infinity War later. I want Peter to have his own MCU trilogy first at least. You are free to call me nuts all you want, but what if I'm right? What if that's similar to what Marvel is actually aiming for. Would you be okay with that? Would you be okay with Marvel introducing Miles after having Peter killed in Civil War?

My answer is a big fat NO, I don't think it's fair either with the character OR the fans to wait all this time to have Peter as the sacrificial lamb for Civil War. I want Marvel to give me the best Spider-Man stories they possibly could with PETER PARKER first, and then growing to make room for Miles and even a Spider-Verse down the line.

Even if you think that all I've said is gibberish, answer the question of the poll: would you be okay with Peter Parker getting killed in Civil War just to have Miles Morales getting his own film by 2017 and Spider-Men when Peter eventually comes back? What do you think?

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