jeudi 12 mars 2015

Save the Old Republic history of the EU

I personally love the EU and almost everything about it. The Yuuzhan Vong, Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Legacy storyline with Jacen as Darth Caedus were all pretty great. And if Disney chooses to disregard it I hate them for doing it but I understand it. They want to make a clean start without the clutter of the existing star wars universe.

What I don’t understand however is why they feel the need to completely erase the old republic as well. The existing old republic stories including Revan and others are some of my favorites.

If Disney kept the old republic history alive it would be a conciliatory gesture towards the existing star wars fan base. More importantly, the existence of this history doesn’t interefere with the continuity of the six movies or the upcoming trilogy.

I created a facebook page dedicated to this and ask that you all join. The link is below. Thank You.

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