mercredi 6 août 2014

Who Will Die?

I've written about this elsewhere, but figured it's worth having the discussion

In most of these super hero movies, especially in the X-Men, characters die. In many ways this is an important element that is used to show the general audience the seriousness of the issues and to help expand on the characters by having us experience their loss.

For example:

In X-Men there wasn't a lot of deaths, being that that movie kind of started off the whole new generation of super hero movies, but Senator Kelly's death was vitol in showing the GA that what Magneto was doing was serous. That stopping him and his forces was critical.

In X-Men 2 things got more serious, with the story being about control and a society divided out of fear. The deaths didn't come until the climax, but there were more than we saw previously. Lady Deathstrike (done terribly) was killed by Wolverine. Stryker was left to die (and assumed dead) by Magneto. And then of course Jean had to sacrifice herself in order to save her fellow X-Men (did she really?).

Then in Last Stand the deaths were taken to the nth degree (darn you Ratner!). Scott was killed off almost instantly (Darn you Ratner!), but hey, we got Jean back. I guess that's not a bad trade, except this turned out to be crazy Jean. A moment later and we got to see Professor X disintegrate in front of us, with a smile on his face no less (Darn you Ratner!). There were a few other minor deaths in order to show how srious all of this was, including Dr. Rao (who?) and Callisto (or was that a female Quicksilver with a bad tatoo? - Darn you Ratner!).

Then we got to start over, thankfully (Darn you Ratner!) with First Class, but the theme of using death to show us the importance of what is going on was still used. One of the new recruits, Darwin, was killed by Shaw making us realize that there will always be loss. The death of Erik's mother was also used to show us how tortured he is. Colonel Hendry's death was also used to show the GA that Shaw needed to be stopped, and that killing Shaw would be ok. And of course, the conclusion of the threat came when Magneto got his revenge on Shaw.

Next came Days of Future Past, giving us both casts. This one was interesting because they were able to kill some main characters, but they weren't really killed. The concept of being able to go back and get a do-over allowed us to see characters like Colossus, Sunspot (was that really Sunspot - or was that Sunfire?), Warpath and Iceman getting off'd. It was interesting that no one of importance, in the past, died, but the future scenes gave the audience what it needed.

So, the question now, the purpose of this thread, is who will die in this Apocalypse movie.

With an expected cast of Professor X, Beast, young Storm, young Scott, young Jean, Nightcrawler (maybe), Gambit, Wolverine, Mystique and Magneto; I can't see any of them being killed.

But, there are still plenty of options for giving the GA the deaths they need to see the seriousness of the story. Mystique or Mags are likely to have a Brotherhood with possible characters like Ink, Toad, and others. There are rumors of Blink being in this movie (how exactly is that possible?) as well.

Then there are the forces of Apocalypse. We expect that he'll have his Horsemen, and maybe others as well. This is where this discussion becomes interesting...

If the Horsemen are all known characters it's pretty difficult to kill them off. For example, if the Horsemen are Wolverine, Magneto, Mystique and say Havok; would they be willing to kill any of them? Maybe Havok, but no way would Mags, Mystique or Wolvie get the Axe.

So, if I had to predict the deaths in Apocalypse, I'd say that at least one of Mystique's (or Magneto's) Brotherhood members (if they have the Brotherhood) will die. Sucks to be Ink, huh? (My best guess is that Toad would live on...). And then I have to believe that at least one of the Horsemen, if not two, will not make it. This supports, IMO, the concept that only one or two of the Horsemen will be known, main characters, like Wolverine or Magneto. This would also lean towards those disposable Horsemen being new, and/or lesser important characters, like Plague or Abraham Kieros.

So, who do you believe will die in the Apocalypse movie?

Will Apocalypse live on?

Will they kill any of the main, known characters?

Do you agree that there will be death in a movie that includes Apocalypse as the main baddie?

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