dimanche 3 août 2014

Top 10 movies of all time?

So what is ever ones top 10 movies off all time? I had to think about this for a little bit but hear is mine.

1. Dark knight rises

2. Spider man 2

3. Batman begins

4. The amazing spider man 2

5. I robot

6. Jurassic park

7. Dark knight

8. Star wars 3

9. Star wars 6

10. Xmen DOFP/ Dawn of the appes not sure need to see apes again.

The top 3 are by far my favorite after that it gets a little hard. My top 10 animated movies would go like this.

1. Lion king

2. Frozzen

3. Ice age 2

4. The simpsons movie

5. Bambi

6. Tory store 2

7. Racket raph

8. Tory store 1

9. Spong bob movie

10. Ice age 1

Now I am kind of pickey when it comes to movies and there are a lot of Disney animated movies that I haven't seen in years and don't really rember enough.

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