dimanche 3 août 2014

Top 10 games of all time?

So I was thinking the other day what would be my top 10 games of all time? This is really hard has there are far more video games I like or love then movies and even a top 10 movies is not easy. So what is ever ones top 10 games of all time? Hears mine.

1. Zelda ocarina of time. I love Zelda games and this one was so good and for its time something really special. The best music, story in any Zelda game and Zelda game like most older games was harder then the new Zelda games but I don't think there has been a easy Zelda game before.

2. Tony hawk 4. I loved tony hawk in till American wast land. I thought American wast land was when tony hawk games started to go down hill but was still a good game. One reason I loved tony hawk 4 was that tony hawk games have been way to easy but tony hawk 4 was acctruly a really hard game took me like 2 years to beat.

3. Madden 05. This was when madden played a realistic game and the game was getting better ever year now if only the same could be said about madden now.

4. Zelda twilight pricass. Just a great dark Zelda game and ganon was really cool in the game.

5. Batman arkham city. All of the games in the batman arkham siears are great even orgins. This one had the best story and music of the 3 so far though.

6. Rayman legends the level desing in this game is just amazing and I love the music levels.

7. Donky kong tropical frezz really good level desing and has one of the best sound tracks I have ever heard in a video game before.

8. Zelda link to the past. This was the first Zelda game I played and one of my favorite games on my first system that I had SNES.

9. Donky kong country 2. It was the first really platformer I got into.

10. Tony hawk 3. It was the first tony hawk game I owed. Even though it was by far the easiest tony hawk game has I can now beat it in around 40 minutes the game just never got old.

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