vendredi 1 août 2014

The Infinity Gems in the MCU

I know there has to be a thread on this somewhere, but it's probably in the Thor or Guardians of the Galaxy forum. I just wanted to get thoughts on the gems in this universe.

So the Infinity Gauntlet is in Asgard and appears to have the gems in it, but I've heard others say that the Tesseract, the Aether and the Orb are Infinity Stones, so what gives? I haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy, so maybe it's explained in there, but what do we know so far?

If the Tesseract is a gem, it's obviously the space gem since it can open dimensional holes and transport beings throughout the universe (Red Skull, Loki, Loki's aliens). But why then is it being used to zap people into oblivion in The First Avenger and being used to arm weapons for Shield in the Avengers? That seems more like the power gem to me.

The Aether seems to have the ability to alter reality, so is it the reality gem? Malekith was using it to merge worlds (wasn't he?) in the Dark World. I guess this could also be the power gem, but they can't all be.

I have no idea what the orb does yet, but I'm guessing it has to do with time since the original Guardians were from the future. Again, I haven't seen the new movie, so I don't know how much they have managed to change/ruin the comics yet.

Sorry if I'm late to the party, and if there's a good thread on this, feel free to direct me to that to answer these questions. I just thought it would be fitting to discuss it here since the gems will play a role in countless movies.

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