mardi 5 août 2014

Spin-off alternatives to a new trilogy?

Someone else pointed out on the BvS boards that Affleck's schedule and ambition are somewhat unlikely to allow for that many full scale solo films for the new Batman. Considering his directing skills and the projects he likely has bouncing around in his head, I was thinking that maybe Affleck's Batman could have maybe one or two solo films, but have his world and legacy expanded by some spinoffs where he could be a supporting character as opposed to the main one.

For instance, as someone who believes that the mainstream public can handle multiple Robins, and since TDKR introduced several casual fans to the idea of a successor Batman, how about Nightwing film? Or a Birds of Prey film? If (and I know this is a big if when talking about this company) Sony can make a film dedicated to the Secret Six or Venom, and since we now know that Marvel can make kriffin' Rocket Raccoon work, than I think Nightwing, Oracle, and most of the Bat-kids could pull off the transition.

The BvS thread contains some talk about how that movie could reference one or two Robins as part of the reason Batfleck is so worn down; if he's lost Jason and is estranged from Dick, he has a reason to be more morose and vindictive. So maybe we have a solo film where Batman is shown reconciling with Dick, who's Nightwing, and we tease the idea of more characters. A Nightwing solo could also set up a possible Dick-Bats scenario if they want to play with Batman vs Darkseid, and as the acknowledged "heart" of the family, maybe they could have Dick encounter Tim Drake, partner with Damian, or duke it out with a returned Jason Todd after he returns and beats up the "little brothers." Hey, if rocksteady believes that gamers are prepared for three Robins, why can't Hollywood?

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