mardi 5 août 2014

Pepper Pots anyone?

since stark transforming stark tower to Avengers Tower. where would be pepper chance in this . even first avengers they were in tower. also in agents of shield Maria hill started to work at stark tower.

what would be situtation on Pepper pots? would be non factor? but since pepper is a big important part of tony life and tony is big part of Ultron and this movie.Basically first 30 minutes probably is about tony and bulding ultron.

pepper was always with him. but in movie there would no pepper? will they gonna break up? pepper saved tony in iron man 3 and killed alkililian.turned some kind of mutant powers.

but where is pepper than while tony bulding something that big and turning jarvis into body(which help pepper too)

mainly asking because Gynetw Paltrow left acting(last year i think ) what is situation bros.

will they replace her another actress?(it would be very bad because she is in 4 marvel movie )

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