jeudi 7 août 2014

How I would've scripted TASM 2

I have tried this a bunch, and I've never finished it and I've deleted it.. I'll actually keep it and finish this time lol.. Let me know what you guys think!

How I would have made TASM 2:

This movie begins one year after the events of TASM.. Peter and Gwen have already graduated from High School and are attending college.

The movie starts with opening credits, with the final credit becoming the large red spider symbol. The spider webs dissolve and we hear free falling and the theme playing. This scene plays out much like it does in the movie.. Except there is a large bank robbery instead of the truck chase.. After the epic swinging scene we cut to the bank. We see members of the Russian mob yelling telling everyone to get down.. Suddenly, a large Rhino busts through the wall of the bank and through the vault.. Spidey sneaks in and webs the gang members up.. He swings into the vault and says "Hey how ya doing I'm Spider-Man, you can call me webhead, you can call me amazing, just don't call me late for dinner!" The rhino smacks him into the wall. It charges towards Spider-Man and Spidey dodges.. The rhino keeps getting his horn jammed into the walls and then Peter realizes if he's quick he can break through the armor and rip out the circuits.. Yet again, the rhino charges and Spidey dodges.. He quickly jumps on his back and Gwen asks where Peter is he's late.. She hears metal punching and the rhino screaming in the background. Peter assures her he'll be there soon..eventually Peter breaks through the armor.. He shoots his webs at the circuits and kicks backwards, ripping the circuits out and knocking out the rhino. Today is Aunt May's birthday, and he is late for her party. Peter pulls out his phone to check the time and he sees a text from Gwen saying "Don't forget the cake!!!" Peter rushes to the bakery that closes at 9 and it's 8:50.. Spidey swings into the bakery just in time.. He realizes he still has his costume on.. "Uhh, I'm supposed to pick up a cake for my friend May Parker.." Peter finally gets home and he is scolded for being late. They have the party, and Peter and Gwen are outside talking.. She asks if she regrets the decision he made about breaking the promise.. Peter says no and Gwen gives him a kiss and leaves.. Peter goes inside to see aunt may upset.. Peter asks what's wrong and she talks about how much she misses Ben.. Peter says he misses him too.. They hug and the scene fades to black.. We next get our first look at Max Dillon. His mother is very sick, and his alarm goes off.. It's 5:00 am and he has to give her medicine around this time every morning. He has a smile on his face because it's his birthday! He runs down the stairs like a kid on Christmas.. He wakes his mom up to give her the medicine.. "Mom guess what day it is!" Max exlaims.. His mom says "What? One day closer to death.." "Anything else mom?" "One day closer to getting away from you for good." Max's joyful mood and his smile is quickly wiped off of his face.. Max gets ready for work, and eats the birthday cake he made for himself in silence.

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