vendredi 1 août 2014

Did Guardians Just Steal The Ape's FX Oscar?

After seeing Dawn of the Planet of the Apes most film experts were giving the Effects Oscar to them. I know I was in that camp. Now that I've seen Guardians, I'm not so sure it's warranted.

Yes. Caesar was amazing but the Ape motion capture CGI is the only slice that the film offers. In Guardians, one could argue that Rocket and Groot are just as compelling and just as amazing as Caesar/Koba. Then, add all the stunning space opera work and those visuals and I could easily vote Guardians over Apes. Guardians has 100 times the action and FX shots and all of them are masterfully executed. I thought Thor The Dark World had some amazing visuals but this film hits the next level.

And I didn't even see it in IMAX. I can't wait to do that next.

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