samedi 2 août 2014

Barry is a stooge/ Bad writing

Damn, the writers really turned Barry into a stooge in this one.

[SPOILER]What's with him letting his Dad rot in prison? He's got the power to get him out in a flash (hurr hurr), he knows his Dad is innocent and what does he do? "Hey Dad, sorry, afraid you have to suffer a bit more. I could get you out now cause I got all these great powers but I'm gonna be a moron about it. So don't worry, keep on enjoying the ****** food, potential abuse by your fellow inmates and prison staff and over all lack of decent living conditions. I have no clue I might suceed but hey, I'm confident I can prove your innocent cause I can run really really fast now, kay Bye":doh:

He should have done a prison break for his old man the second he got his powers. The whole story establishes that his Dad is innocent and that his sentencing was a miscarriage of justice. Him breaking his Dad out would have been morally justified and the way a real human being would act in this situation. [/SPOILER]If this is the kind of writing we can expect then this is gonna be a train wreck.

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