dimanche 3 août 2014

Banshee as Horseman?

We know that Apocalypse has the ability to raise the dead to serve him. We also know that recently in the comics, Banshee was resurrected as a Horseman. Then there was also the leaked Deadpool movie footage and talk of an X-Force film and Siryn is a big part of both of those.

I always figured that Holocaust would be Famine and Beast would become Pestilence but what if one of these was replaced with a familiar dead character. Also, keep in mind that Banshee was a prisoner in the Weapon X facility in X-Men: Origins so it's still possible that he may even be alive.

War is probably going to be Wolverine. He was a Horseman during The Twelve in the comics. He disappeared at the end of DOFP. We're told that the Horsemen are going to be familiar characters. He fits. This is in addition to Archangel being mentioned as a possibility for a Horseman by Kinberg.

So I guess this is my prediction now.

War = Wolverine

Famine = Banshee

Pestilence = Beast

Death = Archangel

Since we all know that this is going to be based upon multiple Horseman lineups, this actually really works. We have Archangel from Fall of the Mutants, Beast from Age of Apocalypse, Wolverine from The Twelve and Banshee from The Apocalypse Twins.

This works since these can all be familiar characters to the audience as opposed to introducing Holocaust, Abraham Keiros or Polaris who the general audience won't recognize or make a big deal about Channing Tatum playing Gambit only to make him a villain.

And anything that leads to Siorise Ronan playing Siryn is a plus in my book.

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