mardi 5 août 2014

A Future Phase(s) Devoted to DOOM

Assuming that one day the good doctor of Latveria makes his way home to Marvel, how incredible would it be to have an entire phase (maybe two) devoted to Doom...perhaps one of the most indepth villains they have...Doom trying to rescue his mother from hell (a future Dr. Strange adventure?), alternate reality where Doom rules the world (introducing elements of 2099???), Doom attempting to seize power from Thanos/Galactus...with Thanos being the big threat of the first 3 phases, what if Doom becomes its next big threat, leading to the Secret Wars?

Introducing Latveria, a Books of Doom film devoted to his origin, all kinds of long as the rights remain at Fox, Marvel's greatest (and possibly comicdoms) villain will never get the treatment he deserves...

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