vendredi 25 avril 2014

Will Black Widow Appear?

Since it looks like Phase 3 is going to be

Ant Man

Cap 3

Doctor Strange

Thor 3

Hulk 2

Avengers: The Infinity Gauntlet

Black Widow should presumably be doing something during this time and since she and Daredevil have been so closely intertwined - starting as partners and then after Karen Page's death, lovers - it would feel awkward for her to not have more than just a small cameo. I mean, Scarlet Johansson is popular and making her part of Daredevil's supporting cast would easily gain viewers for that alone. Plus it's a good way to keep Widow in the MCU during this time.

For Season 1, I'd just have her be a sidekick who has her own agenda. Elektra would be the love interest early on but dies at the end of the season. During Season 2, Tasha and Matt trust each other enough to work alongside each other as equals while Matt is now dating Karen Page. Season 3 will start with Karen Page dying and Matt and Widow become an item.

It would be costly but Marvel is swimming in ungodly amounts of money right now and considering that BW presumably won't get her own film until Phase 4 and Feige has stated that he'd rather do Captain Marvel before Black Widow this is really the best direction to take the character.

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