dimanche 20 avril 2014

Videos that raise social and eco awareness

I decided to make a thread and post some of my favourite videos, that explain what is wrong with the world today and what are the the root causes of our problems. Some of them also pose solutions. I feel like most of us are too consumed on mainstream movie and celebrity idols, that we neglect some serious issues that are taking place and affect the very planet we live on. We trust our lives on the hands of politicians and corporations, thinking that they know better and that they will take care of us.

Truth is, we are just consuming machines since the day we are born. We are paid slaves that generate income and wealth through taxation and market consumption, so a few rich groups can get to live forever as kings and queens and in the process, we rape this planet from its natural resources and beauty. So bring on any stuff you got, or simply share your thoughts.

You've Felt It Your Entire Life

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

The Great Rothschild Exposing the most dangerous man in the world

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:


Anonymous - Do You See What I See

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:


The Matrix VS The Venus Project

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:


Culture In Decline - Episode 6 - by Peter Joseph

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:


Economic Calculation in a Natural Law / RBE, Peter Joseph, The Zeitgeist Movement, Berlin

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:


9-11 explained in 5 minutes

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

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