Some TASM2 spoilers below...
Been thinking about this ever since getting confirmation of some of TASM2 questions.
So, in order to try to determine how TASM3 will start, I think we need to summarize where we are at the end of TASM2.
So, at this point Peter has just taken back up the mantle of Spiderman and took down Rhino. Likely TASM3 will happen months after this fight scene. I can't see them picking up right from that point.
Norman is dead, or at least assumed dead (there is speculation that his head is in deep freeze in chamber #3 - even though this wasn't in the European released film).

Harry is in Ravenscroft prison and it can be assumed that he doesn't yet control his turning into the Goblin ('It comes and it goes').

The Rhino is likely locked up in Ravencroft as well.

The Gentleman is at Oscorp ready to mastermind a mess of problems for our hero...
So, the real question is whether or not the Sinister Six will be in TASM3. This is something that I speculated on about a year ago, so I'm sticking to my belief. Since last year we've been given a ton of evidence to support that the Sinister Six is coming, and likely in TASM3.
So, if they are going to go with the Sinister Six they would need to use mainly characters that we've already been introduced to (unless they will tell this story over two movies, and not just one - though that is unlikely). So, who are we likely talking about:
- The Lizard (Curt Connors) is rotting away in a jail cell.
- Goblin Harry is an obvious choice.
- The Rhino could be the muscle and effectively take the place of the Sandman in a movie Sinister Six.
- Electro is a possibility since, as Jamie put it, 'electricity never truly goes away'.
Beyond these guys, we've been shown some hints:
- The Octopus tentacles indicates Doc Ock, or at least someone using his tentacles.
- The Vulture wings indicates the Vulture will be in there.
In addition, we need to speculate on who we've met and what part they can take on.
- We've seen Donald Menken, who looks so much like The Vulture I feel we must accept that possibility. Hey, someone will need to put those wings on.

- We've met Felicia, played by Felicity Jones. IMO she's a perfect fit for Black Cat, so this is likely to be seen.

- Dr. Kaftka wears glasses similar to Doc Ock's in TASM2, and it could make sense for him to be the field leader of sorts for an S6 line-up. It would also mean that I was right when I said that Electro was talking to "Doc Ock" when he said "You can't control it Doc". I know, it's a strech, but I'm sticking with it...

- Then we also have Alistaire Smythe, but it's hard to see him as anything other than the Ultimate Spider Slayer.

So, that's where we start off. So where to go?????
Alright, it seems very likely that Rhino and Gobbie would need to be broken out of prison. This seems like the perfect way to start the next flick. Heck, it would be action packed! If the Gentleman and/or Kaftka were going to do this, how is the question? Seems likely that they would use the equipment they have (and possibly other stuff that they've been developing) to do this. So that would give us:
Octopus and Vulture breaking out Rhino and Gobbie. Guess they could go stealth, like Black Cat instead, but action packed is normally better.
Now, would The Lizard come along for the ride? Would be an easy way to get Doc Connors back in the game and part of the Sinister Six.
That would put us at 4 or 5 members.
And if this is what happens then Harry, Aleskei, and likely Kaftka and Menken are accouted for. Possibly even Doc Connors.
I could also see a scene where The Gentleman or Kaftka state something about some piece of technology being needed and having someone taking care of it. That could segueway to an exciting scene with Spidey swinging around at night and sensing something near some company headquarters (it would be somewhere other than Oscorp I think). He investigates and meets the Black Cat. They go at it a bit, with her being all flirty and such, and then with the help of a little bad luck she escapes with whatever she stole.
This would make the Sinister Six team as follows:
1. Octopus - Kaftka (hey, their both doctors)
2. Vulture - I guess Menken could donn the wings
3. Rhino - Personally I'd like to see them get away from the mech and have him go through a cross species experiment
4. Gobbie - Just makes sense, I guess. Ultimately Peter will need to get some revenge on him.
5. Black Cat - Although she's just in it for the $. She'll turn on them and help Spidey in the end.
6. Doc Connors - This one is a maybe. Hey, he's in jail, so why not? He'd only do it for science, or because he's coerced. In the end I could see him use the serum, transform, take out a baddie and slink away.
The other options are Electro, Mysterio and Kraven.
- IMO, Electro's story has been told in TASM2, so let's move on.
- Mysterio is a fan favorite, so it would be very beneficial to Webb to include him. I could easily see him use gas to mess with Peter's mind, and maybe even make him see Gwen. What a great way to bring Emma back in TASM3.
- Kraven was in the original Sinister Six, but all he really did in that story was use some animals to try to stop Spidey. Since then though Kraven has become such a great character. Personally, I'd rather see him held out for a future movie focused on him as the main villain, with his brother in there as a secondary villain. Kraven's Last Stand, for TASM6, would be so amazing!!!!!
So, simply put, if they do go with Mysterio, as most fans want, who gets the boot from my list? My guess is either Black Cat or Curt Connors, and likely the latter. Guess they could just not use Harry-Goblin or Rhino, but I don't see that.
I believe if this is where they go in TASM3, we'll be in for an amazing film. Still much to flesh out, such as whether or not The Bugle will be in the story, how to introduce MJ, whether Eddie Brock is met, etc.
So, I'm guessing we have 2 years or so, so let's start the next debate...
Been thinking about this ever since getting confirmation of some of TASM2 questions.
So, in order to try to determine how TASM3 will start, I think we need to summarize where we are at the end of TASM2.
So, at this point Peter has just taken back up the mantle of Spiderman and took down Rhino. Likely TASM3 will happen months after this fight scene. I can't see them picking up right from that point.
Norman is dead, or at least assumed dead (there is speculation that his head is in deep freeze in chamber #3 - even though this wasn't in the European released film).
Harry is in Ravenscroft prison and it can be assumed that he doesn't yet control his turning into the Goblin ('It comes and it goes').
The Rhino is likely locked up in Ravencroft as well.
The Gentleman is at Oscorp ready to mastermind a mess of problems for our hero...
So, the real question is whether or not the Sinister Six will be in TASM3. This is something that I speculated on about a year ago, so I'm sticking to my belief. Since last year we've been given a ton of evidence to support that the Sinister Six is coming, and likely in TASM3.
So, if they are going to go with the Sinister Six they would need to use mainly characters that we've already been introduced to (unless they will tell this story over two movies, and not just one - though that is unlikely). So, who are we likely talking about:
- The Lizard (Curt Connors) is rotting away in a jail cell.
- Goblin Harry is an obvious choice.
- The Rhino could be the muscle and effectively take the place of the Sandman in a movie Sinister Six.
- Electro is a possibility since, as Jamie put it, 'electricity never truly goes away'.
Beyond these guys, we've been shown some hints:
- The Octopus tentacles indicates Doc Ock, or at least someone using his tentacles.
- The Vulture wings indicates the Vulture will be in there.
In addition, we need to speculate on who we've met and what part they can take on.
- We've seen Donald Menken, who looks so much like The Vulture I feel we must accept that possibility. Hey, someone will need to put those wings on.
- We've met Felicia, played by Felicity Jones. IMO she's a perfect fit for Black Cat, so this is likely to be seen.
- Dr. Kaftka wears glasses similar to Doc Ock's in TASM2, and it could make sense for him to be the field leader of sorts for an S6 line-up. It would also mean that I was right when I said that Electro was talking to "Doc Ock" when he said "You can't control it Doc". I know, it's a strech, but I'm sticking with it...
- Then we also have Alistaire Smythe, but it's hard to see him as anything other than the Ultimate Spider Slayer.
So, that's where we start off. So where to go?????
Alright, it seems very likely that Rhino and Gobbie would need to be broken out of prison. This seems like the perfect way to start the next flick. Heck, it would be action packed! If the Gentleman and/or Kaftka were going to do this, how is the question? Seems likely that they would use the equipment they have (and possibly other stuff that they've been developing) to do this. So that would give us:
Octopus and Vulture breaking out Rhino and Gobbie. Guess they could go stealth, like Black Cat instead, but action packed is normally better.
Now, would The Lizard come along for the ride? Would be an easy way to get Doc Connors back in the game and part of the Sinister Six.
That would put us at 4 or 5 members.
And if this is what happens then Harry, Aleskei, and likely Kaftka and Menken are accouted for. Possibly even Doc Connors.
I could also see a scene where The Gentleman or Kaftka state something about some piece of technology being needed and having someone taking care of it. That could segueway to an exciting scene with Spidey swinging around at night and sensing something near some company headquarters (it would be somewhere other than Oscorp I think). He investigates and meets the Black Cat. They go at it a bit, with her being all flirty and such, and then with the help of a little bad luck she escapes with whatever she stole.
This would make the Sinister Six team as follows:
1. Octopus - Kaftka (hey, their both doctors)
2. Vulture - I guess Menken could donn the wings
3. Rhino - Personally I'd like to see them get away from the mech and have him go through a cross species experiment
4. Gobbie - Just makes sense, I guess. Ultimately Peter will need to get some revenge on him.
5. Black Cat - Although she's just in it for the $. She'll turn on them and help Spidey in the end.
6. Doc Connors - This one is a maybe. Hey, he's in jail, so why not? He'd only do it for science, or because he's coerced. In the end I could see him use the serum, transform, take out a baddie and slink away.
The other options are Electro, Mysterio and Kraven.
- IMO, Electro's story has been told in TASM2, so let's move on.
- Mysterio is a fan favorite, so it would be very beneficial to Webb to include him. I could easily see him use gas to mess with Peter's mind, and maybe even make him see Gwen. What a great way to bring Emma back in TASM3.
- Kraven was in the original Sinister Six, but all he really did in that story was use some animals to try to stop Spidey. Since then though Kraven has become such a great character. Personally, I'd rather see him held out for a future movie focused on him as the main villain, with his brother in there as a secondary villain. Kraven's Last Stand, for TASM6, would be so amazing!!!!!
So, simply put, if they do go with Mysterio, as most fans want, who gets the boot from my list? My guess is either Black Cat or Curt Connors, and likely the latter. Guess they could just not use Harry-Goblin or Rhino, but I don't see that.
I believe if this is where they go in TASM3, we'll be in for an amazing film. Still much to flesh out, such as whether or not The Bugle will be in the story, how to introduce MJ, whether Eddie Brock is met, etc.
So, I'm guessing we have 2 years or so, so let's start the next debate...
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