samedi 5 avril 2014

sleep deprivation. 42 hours in!!

so thursday i wake up at 7am and head to the dentist for my first cleaning in 3 years. finally got a good job with ins and all that. so the dr finds a cavity. alright expected that. needs a root canal, cool lets do that i love pks. says come back in a week after taking all these pills.

i take my pills. hydros and antibiotics. can not fall asleep for ****. i woke up at 7 am and had a pretty busy day so i thought wtf why? my mind is racing man i have to leave for work at 6 and time is flying by. i thought maybe i was spun out from the hydros since it's happened before. took some antihistamines as a last resort (seriously DONT DO THIS) so now i have that feeling in my chest from the antihistamines that feels like restless leg syndrome my arms are flailing around almost without any input from me.

5 o clock, time to get ready for work. ive pulled all nighter before, **** it lets go. job is very social. no hydros because they make me :highfive: when i should be :dry: besides at this point i still think they were the reason for my insomnia.


made it through the day with a lot of nicotine. no caffeine after my cup of coffee because i want to go home and crash.

get home, don't crash. get up after an hour and live a normal night after work. went back to bed at normal time.

4 hours later, just lying in bed watching my fan spin.

wife says she can help


she helps..

...but even after a very, very delicious sandwich. nothing.

turns out antibiotics are very likely to cause insomnia. says the internet.

by the time i get to work, it will be 48 hours. i will explain to them my situation and hopefully they don't think i'm on meth. i certainly look like it.

im going to call the dentist at 8. see what he says, maybe get some knocked the f out drugs. and new antibiotics.

how long until i start hallucinating? should i even be driving? any advice? kava kava, Valerian root and loads of other stuff in this bottle of Relax All have not helped.

thanks for listening wish me luck with the delirium

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