samedi 19 avril 2014

Obama Promotes UBUNTU Party Philosophy

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Obama told the world that the UBUNTU philosophy is the one we should all follow. SO let's do just that and let's all get behind the UBUNTU movement and Political party in South Africa - 2014 elections are approaching and the UBUNTU Party will be there. Our aim is to replace the SA Reserve Bank with a people's bank that issues money for the people by the people - tax-free and interest free - while we undergo the full transition to an UBUNTU society where money is of no use at all. Join the party now and lets us create a trans-border movement of unity consciousness that will transcend all draconian laws on humanity. - We have members in 175 countries already - so we are well on our way to becoming a true voice of the people.

Love & Light

Michael of the family tellinger

New Earth Project - Promo 1 - New Earth Has Been Planned

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Sacha Stone and Michael tellinger - April 2014

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

newearthnation blueprint.pdf

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