lundi 7 avril 2014

How would you like to see the show come to an end?

A buddy and I were talking the other day about how the show would end and have come to the conclusion that only one of three options would work [*for us]:

Option 1: The group finally establishes a "forever" home where they can live without fear and have a system in place to grow as a society. As the show gets ready to come to a close, the last 10/15 min are a montage of some sort showing the group or better yet their home growing and expanding while the last 60 seconds are dedicated to a flashback before Season 1 Episode 1 showing the pinpoint second the virus was given life. If anyone has seen Contagion, that ending would be so mind blowing!!.. seeing an infected animal butchered by an unsanitary butcher later handled by a chef who interacts with so many people, by that time you already have hundreds infected before day 2 (that being the day Rick enters his coma) I just can't imagine how anyone could say the ending sucked. It gives us (the audience) closure on what started this new world while also letting us know that even tho the group never truly found a cure or an explanation of what started the virus, they finally are at peace. No more running, no more stealing-killing-fear, just a future.

Option 2: A cure is found for stopping the transformation from human to zombie! A scientist or government official discovers a cure in the blood of none other than patient zero - Rick Grimes!!! The show goes back to the first ever transformation: after being shot, he first passes it to a nurse drawing blood, or he coughs on a medic escorting him to the hospital, that nurse/medic later grows what he/she thinks is a fever, eventually dies, is reanimated and it begins!

Option 3: The last episode everyone is dead but (fill in your 2 characters - for me it would be Rick and Carl) and the entire episode is them being overtaken by zombies. They're running the entire episode, running out of ammo, are eventually cornered and out of hope. After years of running they finally give up and are ready to finally die. With one gun and one bullet left they are faced with a choice, neither wants to be eaten alive, Rick looks at Carl, both are crying, camera pans out to outside showing hundreds upon hundreds of zombies, shot is fired, cuts to black. Seems very dark I know, (not my favorite ending) but in a world where there is no cure and until the last human standing dies and reanimates, there is no final end. Some zombies may decay to death but another will take its place eventually. There really is no peace in this world but death.

So there you have it. Our top 3 endings. I know things are constantly changing in the show and by the time it ends the writers will come up with something so great I would have never thought of it but I thought a thread open to discussing what fans would love to see would be fun to read. So what do you guys think? What would you like to see?

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