mercredi 23 avril 2014

A Role for Tahmoh Penniket?

Honestly, I love the show Supernatural. I think the best part about this new Season Nine has been it's main antagonist, Gadreel. They've been able to capture him, torture him but they still haven't beaten him because of his boss, Metatron. For most of the season he was played by Jared Padalecki, but his recent performance through Tahmoh Penniket has been utterly amazing, I can't wait to see his role in the season finale. I've been wondering which character on SHIELD that he could play and well, which character do you guys think he should play? Here are my choices:

For villains:

* David Ferrari - I would have him be a former SHIELD agent who switched to Hydra. A chemicals expert, I would use him in Season Two to tie the show into Age of Ultron. Why? I have a feeling that elements like John Garrett and Ian Quinn will not be resolved until the second season due to von Strucker's role in AoU. I feel that bringing in this character to help with the Gravitonium and figuring out the chemical formulas for the stranger weapons Ward and Garrett can no longer use will be good. Not too large a role, but enough to show off Penniket.

* Don Thomas - Obviously Deathlok's going to defect at some point, so how about an Extremis fueled Blue Streak? It would be a good way to bring back Hammer Industries and show how they work without Justin Hammer, perhaps as a subsidiary of Roxxon. It would be cool to see him as a product of Extremis instead of Centipede and the reason why Garrett's making Centipede, soldiers for Thomas that are strong, but not as strong. Penniket's role in Supernatural is similar, a man not on top who wants more power. I'm just saying, that is how I see Blue Streak in the MCU.

* Baron Zemo - This one is a little bit left field and not likely since I feel this will be seen in Cap 3. However, if Zemo were to ever show in SHIELD first as the antagonist after Garrett or whatever. I can see many playing him, but Penniket is few who'll bring acclaim to the role.


* Jack Flag - I feel if it were an older version of the character of Flag could be pulled in as a one-episode character by Penniket.

* Annex - Just a neat idea, I'd like to see this character adapted is all.

As you can tell, I'd rather see him as a villain than a hero.

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