dimanche 13 novembre 2016

Political movies under Trump? (and in general)

What do you think political movies (or movies in general) under Trump are going to be like?

Trump made the media one of his biggest enemies throughout his campaign and I highly doubt they're not going to use one of the most powerful tools at their arsenal.

Those involved 'Star Wars' have already come forward on their positions, and Rogue One this December has a whole lot of relevant political ramifications that Disney and the filmmakers didn't know they were making when the film was being made: a group of minorities banding together to defeat the empire.

MARVEL is going to enter the scene as well with a Captain America who is against the way the country is being ran by the President trampling on people's civil rights. I do not foresee why they would not continue that and possibly stronger than ever before. Chris Evans as well has made it publicly known that the guy playing Cap is against Trump as well. Serpent Society in the works? Before it was a mask title for Civil War, but Nixon is the villain in that film - change it for someone who can stand in for Trump and that arc is all the more real. Cap fighting for the good of America!

Trump's made a lot of media enemies along the campaign trail and personally, I don't see how that can't leave a mark on cinema for years to come.

What kinds of films do you think we'll be seeing?

Political movies under Trump? (and in general)

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