jeudi 10 novembre 2016

List down your Top 10 favorite Celine Dion songs.

Celine Dion is one of the world's best-selling music artists of all time and she continues to release albums, french and english albums that would almost always guarantee selling a million copies. Celine Dion has recorded hundreds of songs and a lot of her songs have become popular worldwide and have become timeless.

Which left me wondering... What are the favorite Celine Dion songs of fans and music lovers around the world, or at least in this community/site?

I decided to create a thread for each one of us to list down 10 of your favorite Celine Dion songs in order, from your #1 most favorite to #10 most favorite.

The corresponding points

1. = 10 points
2. = 9 pts
3. = 8 pts
4. = 7 pts
5. = 6 pts
6. = 5 pts
7. = 4 pts
8. = 3 pts
9. = 2 pts
10. = 1pt

Yes you can include french songs of hers, even her spanish songs, her Christmas songs, for as long as the song has been recorded by Celine Dion.

I will not count the votes if your list is not complete ( like if your list only has between 1-9 songs only). You have to give 10 of your most favorite Celine Dion songs.

Deadline will be December 31, 2016 (Philippines Time,subject to changes when necessary) and so you can still change your list from time to time until the deadline. After the deadline, I will be counting the points and will reveal the top 10 (or top 20) after a few weeks.

Note: I know some people will be calculating the points as the voting goes on but please don't post it or give a direct clue and let me be the one to reveal the 10 ( or 20 ) songs that has earned the most points.

You may start checking all of her songs for each album on Wiki so you won't forget any song that you really, really, really like. Enjoy!


List down your Top 10 favorite Celine Dion songs.

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