lundi 7 septembre 2015

Shudder- The Netflix of streaming Horror!

Anyone check out

It's a new service that just launched and is essentially Netflix streaming...but all horror movies! It's in the beta stage, and only 5 bucks a month (or $50 a year). While the selection is currently limited, the more people sign up the more money they'll have to expand the library.

But, as it stands, there is a solid selection of both old and new, I was impressed by what I saw. The front page of the website always has a movie streaming for free. Currently, the search function is kinda weird as you can't type in a movie to search for (this is supposed to change as the service develops). But you can search by genre, monster, and also look through curated selections, which is really neat.

Either way, check it out and sign up. It's gonna be rad for any self proclaimed gorehound!

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