lundi 28 septembre 2015

A tale of woe and "ungluiness"!

I've had so many Comic book tpbs fall apart on me. I've lost 3 no man's land and too many vertigo books to count! Dynamite tpbs coming apart the first time opened! A copy of New 52 Swamp Thing is starting to die on me! (It's first page to cover "glue-line" looked worn after the 2. Reading).

The thing is I never open my books fully when reading (is this in an ironic twist the cause of my problem?).

I buy "non illustrated" trade paperback books too and even dirt cheap used beaten down ones hold up infinitely better than my comics?! Why?

I've looked online and it's not talked about at all - so I've come to the conclusion that it must be me.

What am I doing wrong?

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