samedi 26 septembre 2015

Next American City to get a Pro Sports Team that doesn't have one now

Over the past two decades, we've seen cities emerge with pro sports franchises in one of the big four (MLB, NFL, NHL and NBA) that have not had one previously, although that hasn't been the case in Major League Baseball as all of it's teams are in markets with multiple sports teams. The NBA is the most common case. Besides Portland, San Antonio, Sacramento, Salt Lake City and Orlando, in the last decade, they've added Memphis and Oklahoma City. They also had Charlotte before the Panthers came to town and Phoenix for 20 years before the Cardinals moved there. They also do have Brooklyn, but the Dodgers once played there.

The NFL has Jacksonville and Tennessee (I think the Titans moved there months before Nashville was awarded an NHL team).

The NHL does have Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa and Winnipeg, but I am talking about American cities that had no pro sports teams that have one now. The NHL has Columbus and Carolina emerge the last 20 years. They also have San Jose. They may be adding Las Vegas soon.

So which American city that currently has no pro sports team in any of the big four do you think is next and if so, what league?

I think that next on the list will be either Louisville or Virginia should the NBA expand again. I hear a place like Austin and somehow I don't see that as being a fit for any of the big four.

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