samedi 3 janvier 2015


I did a search on this forum and surprised to discover that there isn't a thread for it. Anyway, my kids got Skylanders Trap Team from their grandparents this Christmas, and I had no idea what this is except for the fact that it predates and inspires Disney Infinity, and that it requires many figures to play the game.

Well, the good thing is that the game itself is quite polished, and in fact it's better than Disney Infinity 2.0 (which I own), even though it doesn't have the Toy Box to let players create their own game. However, it is quite a money sink because for Trap Team, there are elemental gates that must be opened by a corresponding Trap Master of the same element, and there are 10 elements in all (including the new elements Light and Dark introduced in Trap Team). But after playing the game with my kids, I can see why Skylanders is so popular with gamers of all ages, not just children, and Activision is doing quite a good job with the franchise, even though as a game it's way too expensive for my liking.

So, has anyone here ever played Skylanders, past or present?

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