jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Do people actually like their doctors?

I've had my share of doctors (primary care physicians) and I kind of wonder.

I remember liking my doctors as a kid (pediatricians), but ever since I became an adult, it seems like every doctor I have had has either been a quack or a rather uncaring *******, who I get the feeling only sees me as a lakehouse payment. I would like to think I've had some unusually bad luck, but I start to wonder. What are others' feelings?

I realize doctors are only human, and have limitations. And from the looks of things, they're not exactly the happiest people, having to constantly deal with problems. But at this point, would them being replaced by robots / program really be a bad thing? Competent robots, I mean. Modern day doctors already outsource a lot of their work (just found out the other day that someone in India might be analyzing our X-rays), and half of what they do is dispense medicine like a vending machine.

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