mardi 27 janvier 2015

Game Streaming Needs a Change

Every once and awhile I'll check out a stream on twitch or PS4. I do this for one of two reasons: I'm either curious how the game plays or possibly checking for different strategies.

However, this seems barely possible most of the time now. Anytime I join a stream the majority of it is the person playing the game looking over at the comments section and thanking somebody for something. If not that, oh my God am I ever sick of the phrase: "Don't forget to hit that follow button".

It's so hard to find someone who just wants to play the game and not looking to be the next big streamer. It's very rare for someone to make top dollar on these things, but why people subscribe (and pay!!) mind you to watch a person asking for more follows than actually playing the game is just odd.

The worst part is this is trickling down into youtube channels too that aren't even live. Everyone wants that ad revenue (of cents) so most of the videos are just not helpful. They are usually rather short and copy every other channel to get views on just the same content.

Am I crazy or is this trend getting really annoying?

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