mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Promises shall be kept - The Rodrigo90 FanFic section

Now, I'm not saying I'm deserving of my own thread, because I don't consider myself anything special in the writing world. I'm an ideas man. But I have promised a few around here that I would provide them with stories that they seem very keen to read, this ranges from my BvS script, to the MOS script I have been working on. I stated I could potentially improve where others found fault with the movie, and let me say, it's not as easy as what we think :hehe:

But I am writer and it's been my passion since I first listened to the stories my teachers would read to us in school. Always in awe, I was. I would attempt to mimic those tales of adventure and I would usually either receive praise from my teacher, or some critical words - and they would always help me craft upon improving from my mistakes.

And I can't thank all of you here enough for giving me praise on my ideas and short stories. To be nominated for best writer, and for anyone who has voted for me, I couldn't be more grateful, it's a wonderful feeling.

And I felt this section was a little bare, so I hope to bring others along here and so we may share our tales together :)

And I will complete my scripts I promised! From Clark Kent in the Middle East, learning how much the world needs a hero, to Batman attacking him with his hundreds of Bat-Drones, mimicking as Gargoyles upon Gotham's rooftops, to the entire plot being orchestrated by Lex Luthor in order to get his hands on Brainiac's skull from the Russian Government, it'll be done.

And I shall be posting other tales of heroes and villains alike.

And again, thank you for all the kindness and support you guys have given me over the last few years of being here!

Enjoy your New Year! :D

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