mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Do you think Spider-Man should star in the reboot?

Nah here me out. Spidey fatigue is a thing, and it's growing. Faster than Sonic the Hedgehog & The Flash's love child (pretty ****ing scary) so... to avoid being affected by this, should the MARVEL STUDIOS SPIDER-MAN MOVIE FRANCHISE REBOOT 3.0 Mark 4 NOT star the walloping webswinging wall crawling red and blue spandexed teenaged brown haired white working class attractive super powered vigilante Arachnid Homo Sapien?

If he isn't in the movie, Spidey fatigue won't affect it... whereas if he IS in it... well, audiences will be like "moar spidey? lolololno".

So... to Spidey or not to Spidey?

...that is the question.

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