mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Fox vs. Sony - who is worse?

FOX vs SONY: The Race to the Bottom!

We all have had to deal with some mediocre to terrible Marvel movies from each respective company, but I want to know who do you think has proven to be a bigger disappointment overall?

Sony's mismanagement and poor decision-making are well documented at this point. Every Spider-man film from them since the second Raimi installment has suffered from an incredible amount of studio interference that has brought the once dependable franchise into a steady decline, showing how out of touch they are with movie-goers. They sincerely thought a hastily put together Sinister Six movie would make them money and be their "Avengers".

In light of recent events some might say they are the obvious choice, but let's keep in mind they have at least been willing to talk to Marvel in an attempt to make a deal. Yes that deal did not happen, but with recent rumors that talks have again started between the two, it's worth noting that they at least understand what they are doing sucks and should not happen.

Fox, on the other hand, has yet to do anything like that. They did all they could with Daredevil to keep those rights from reverting, but thankfully their production fell through (I think their director bolted) and Marvel was able to get the character back home. But, and a lot of people don't know this, when it became clear to them that they weren't going to meet the deadline they apparently approached Marvel and asked for an extension. Marvel agreed, but only if they could use Doom, Galactus, and the Silver Surfer in the MCU - Fox was quick to turn this down in favor of their newest atrocity, the much-maligned FF reboot.

For those not in the know, Trank's upcoming disaster was made solely to keep the rights (picture how awesome a MCU Doom would be, and then realize we won't see that anytime soon thanks to Fox and this movie) and has been rumored to be an incredibly troubled production. Both Faraci and El Mayimbe have tweeted in the past week or so about how they are both hearing awful things about this movie, and radio silence from Fox is completely indicative that things aren't going so smoothly for them. Apparently turning one of the greatest villains in all of comics into a blogger ended up being a poor idea - who would have thought!

So while their X-men properties have been getting back on the right track, I'd say their inability to play ball with Marvel and insistence on keeping the rights to characters they could never hope to faithfully adapt makes them the bigger disappointment in my eyes. Yes I enjoyed First Class and DOFP, but let's be honest; once Singer and Vaughn leave, Fox will be back to their old ways cranking out turd after turd to meet their deadline.

So, what do you think? Who is the worst offender, and why?

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