vendredi 27 juin 2014

The BvS write-a-trailer thread. What kind of reveals would you want in a trailer?

My trailer idea:

It starts with a suit rip reveal from Superman that shows the nano technology closing in over his upper chest area. Cuts to Diana in a business woman outfit, walking down a street. Bruce Wayne bumps into her and smiles. She then smiles back, and he says "I'm Bruce Wayne." and she responds "Diana" then another cut to Lex Luthor looking out from his building at night.

The camera pans to the rooftop and Batman is there with some flashes of lightning and rain is just starting to pick up. Superman lands on the building and approaches him. "Hanging out on rooftops?" Batman: "Something like that..." cut to Superman: "A storm is coming." Batman: "It's already here." *vanishes* Cue the logo!

Ok now everyone come on here and tell me it's too long or something and rain on my creativity :p

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