lundi 30 juin 2014

On why soccer is such a bad sport

1. Any game where the team that is ahead can win just by playing "keep away" is a boring snoozefest.

2. Not much strategy involved...all tactics. This is boring compared to other sports like football.

3. Very very very very very poor sportsmanship in soccer. Much worse than football, baseball, or hockey. Basketball is getting worse but is still better than soccer. Football is practically a gentleman's sport compared to soccer.

4. Not much stats to track like baseball, makes comparing players and fantasy sports this to baseball! Soccer is in the dark ages when it comes to stats. Stats increase the fun of watching and tracking your favorite player.

5. Very low scoring...not much excitement.

6. Hardly any violence. The most violence comes when the guy flops to the ground after a phantom foul.

7. Ties???!?!?!!?

8. Soccer players use their heads to hit the ball...further proof the sport is for stupid people (jk).

Soccer is popular because it can be played by poor people in the third world relatively easily and it is very simple to understand. In many cases it is popular just because it got there first before the other major team sports. Compare this to football, basketball, hockey, or baseball!! These sports require more equipment and intelligence to play or watch. Although I don't like hockey that much and it is similar to soccer. For the most part, these are sports meant for a modern is like cricket, etc,....meant for 1800s/1900s.

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