jeudi 26 juin 2014

How to explain Mystique in First Class?

Something that always bothered me about First Class is how it portrayed Mystique's powers. X1 went to great lengths to come up with a logical consistent explanation for how her shape-shifting worked. Basically she is naked the whole time and any clothes she is seen to be wearing were created as part of her disguise.

Then First Class shows that she wore clothes when she was young and somehow her powers allowed her to transform them along with her body.

At certain points we see her only changing her body and her real clothes staying the same on the outside.

But then when she is at the CIA she transforms not only the clothes that she is wearing but even changes the appearance of an ID badge! (shakes head).

Now its possible that she was naked in that scene (but that's completely inconsistent with her character at that point) but that ID badge had to have been a real one that the CIA required her to wear. How could she possibly change its appearance?

Later in the film she is wearing a flight suit and also somehow transforms it. Was she naked here too? Did she create the flight suit with her powers and would that have provided the g-force protection that Charles said they needed? Again doubtful. Because why would she still be using that appearance in the end scene? The flight suit had to be real.

Its just disappointing that this film took such a cartoony approach to her powers (as well as Emma's for that matter) after the previous films tried so hard to ground them in reality.

I know in the comics it was stated at one point that her powers did include transforming clothes but they've also gone back on that and said she has always been naked. But I want to stick to the film universe.

P.S. Why is there no forum to discuss First Class or Origins?

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