vendredi 27 juin 2014

(Don't Call It A Comeback) The Leave A Message For A Hypester Thread

As many of you cutie pie's were well-aware, the Hype's community used to be a well-populated and heavily used area for non-nerdy topics. It's had a thread called Leave A Message For A Hypester and it was infamous for whatever you want it to be infamous for. It was created by knowsbleed (I think?) and that alone should tell you how epic it was. The mods got angry and stopped the thread after a couple of good years, where it was mostly used correctly - and not as a flame war machine.

Anyways, this is that same thread. The older/better Hype members will know what I'm talking about and yeah, you know what to do.

(please be nice and don't troll or start flame wars. Leave your angst and **** on anonymous. Don't directly flame a user if you NEED to flame. Which is not the sole purpose of this thread)

I'll start:

Drakon if you ever see this while creeping one day, I hope you know your cosplay for whoever that lady is with the small dolphin makes me :hubba

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