mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Bill Nighy vs. Bill Nye - Who Wins?


60 years ago, a Swedish scientist put his newborn baby into a teleportation pod for a test run. The end result was that he and his poor invalid wife ended up with two identical babies. One English and with the capabilities of a tentacle-faced pirate, the other American and obsessed with science things. The scientist knew that one day, this would end with a catastrophic war between the two brothers, and it's up to us to decide the victor, because-- DON'T QUESTION ME!!!!!! :cmad:

Alright, choose. :o

Which villain should NOT appear in the next series?

Which of the villains we've already seen in past movies should not appear in the next series of Spidey films?

Happy New Year!

Not sure if I'm supposed to post in the Lounge thread or not. I'm a bit out of practice and out of touch with Hype procedures these days. Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year and especially old Hype members who may still remember me. Be safe and give your loved ones a big hug and tell them you love them.

PROPOSAL: DC Icons, World of Heroes Reborn!

Okay, so we've got three different RPGs still running, even if two of them have slowed to a halt. I think part of the problem is that right now all three games are based around either origin stories or early-days arcs, and while I certainly love world-building and developing heroes and villains from the ground up, I also can't deny that half of the fun of playing around in the DC Universe is that there's already so much for us to use.

MB proposed a 'Year Ten' game a while ago, but for one reason or another it didn't follow through. I'm going to pick up the torch he lit, but with a bit of a twist on it.

Name of the new RPG: DC Universe: Icons

Screenname of the Proposed RPG’s Game Master: Andy C.

How will the overall layout of the RPG be?:

Ongoing, broken up into Seasons.

Premise of RPG, if it is a user created RPG see below for applicable additions to this Applicaton, (Must be a paragraph or longer):

Unlike the previous World of Heroes game, players will be allowed to pick heroes and villains from any established incarnation of the DC Universe. This includes all three major eras of the comics-- Pre-Crisis, Post-Crisis, and New 52-- the DC Animated Universe (as well as other animated series like Young Justice, Teen Titans, and Brave and the Bold), the various live-action TV series (Arrow/Flash, Smallville, Gotham, Constantine, Lois & Clark, etc.), and the various movie universes (the new DCCU, the Nolan-verse, the Richard Donner Superman movies, etc). These can be molded and modified to fit in with other characters (ex: if I'm playing Dark Knight series Batman, I would have to change the backstory a bit to allow for characters like Dick Grayson and Tim Drake), but entirely new or 'Ultimate' characters are not allowed. Likewise, Elseworlds like Red Son or alternate futures like Kingdom Come or The Dark Knight Returns are not allowed. One can mix and match characters from different universes to create a 'patchwork' franchise-- BTAS Batman fighting Heath Ledger's Joker, for example.

The finer points of continuity will be intentionally kept murky in order for all of these various incarnations of characters to gel together, but for all intents and purposes, it's approximately "Year Ten" since the debut of Superman and Batman and the foundation of the Justice League. Most major teams and factions-- the Justice League, the JSA, the Teen Titans, Shadowpact, the Outsiders, Blackhawk, etc etc etc-- have already been established, and may even be on their second or third incarnation. The history and continuity of this world will be 'filled in' by the players, both in the IC thread and in discussions in the Sign-Up/OOC thread.

(Ex: Player 1 is playing Superman and chooses to go with the Donner series for his primary inspiration-- Superman The Movie, Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut, and Superman Returns. Because of Player 1's inclusion of SR, it is now canon that in the game's history, there was a five-year period wherein Superman was gone from Earth.

Meanwhile, Player 2 is playing the Flash, and chooses to go with the current TV series for his primary inspiration. It is agreed upon between Players 1 and 2 that the Particle Accelerator accident that created the various Meta-humans in Central City happened during Superman's five-year absence. Therefore, while Superman is the senior superhero, it is established that the Flash is actually more experienced fighting super-powered villains).

Obviously this will require a fair amount of communication between players and some massaging of storylines to blend together, but I think a set-in-stone continuity is less important than having clearly defined and easily identifiable characters, which this game will provide.

What will this RPG bring to the RPG forums? (please write two complete sentences):

A place where players can play their favorite, 'definitive' versions of characters, and tell the big, risky stories that aren't really possible when the characters involved are still rookies to their world. It will also allow players who aren't really interested in building mythos from the ground up to join in the game, since they'll already be familiar with the material they're working with.

Example Of Characters Application:

DC Universe: Icons

Character Application

Screen Name:

Character you would like to play (please include the color and font you plan on using to portray the character):

Primary Inspiration (i.e. Which "version" of the character are you playing?):

Powers and Brief Origin (Provide at least two sentences. If you copy/paste this information from another website, link back to it, or it is considered plagiarism and is not allowed):

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable):

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar. One to explain what you plan to do with the character you've chosen. The other to explain why you've chosen this character. (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?):

If you know how to post pictures, please provide a picture of your character:

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):

The Official Jan/Feb Fan Art Contest


(Print them out if you need to for future reference)


Deadpool +1

Here's your chance to show us your take on The Merc with a Mouth, BUT it must also feature another character. the possibilities are endless! Team ups, fighting, hanging out, etc, any kind of encounter that features deadpool and another is fair game here.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to send CC a PM!


* Contest is open to EVERYONE

* One entry per artist. Try and be as ORIGINAL as possible, do it in pencil, crayon, markers, action figures, Photoshop whatever you are comfortable with. Photo-manips are allowed. For example: manip’ing Wolverine using photos is OK – but be sure and tweak it creatively. I don’t want to simply see a cut and paste that looks like it took you 5 mins, that’s not very creative. Using art/photo reference is okay, I just don't want to see anyone directly COPY an existing piece of ARTWORK... and please credit your sources!

* Your entry should be posted HERE in this thread. Using artwork created by someone else and claiming it as your own will not be allowed - and that entry will be disqualified. Originality is always key!

* Please keep the comments and critiques as FAIR as possible. Remember however by posting your entry you are open to critique!


Take your time and show 'em your best work, try to avoid posting works-in-progress. (Any duplicate entries may be deleted without notice from the thread). You may want to check the thread occasionally to see that your entry is still posted, any entries not showing at the close of the contest may be disqualified. Also if you choose to 'team-up' with another artist then you must clearly state both names with the entry and who did what.


You will need to host your own image and link it here in this thread.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to send me a PM!

So there is your assignment if you chose to take it... You should post your artwork here in this thread!

ONLY IMAGES CREATED BY YOU AND POSTED ONLY IN THIS THREAD ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THE CONTEST. By entering the contest you are agreeing that the artwork submitted is original and created by you the artist, and by posting an image you are open to critique!


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to send me a PM!


Feb 28, 2015


* 100x100 avatar capabilites, and file sizes up to 300kb

* Winner's art thread will be sticky'd to the top of Fan Art forum until a new winner has taken over

* Forum-wide announcement of their victory



to be revealed soon!


Your 2015 Book List as it Develops

Your 2014 Reading List

Here's a place to catalog what you've read this year. For those who made resolutions to read more (like I did) or just want to see how much you read in a year, this'll be a lot of fun for you.

Be sure to post a list of what you read last year in your first post so that we can see what we accomplished in 2010.






Best Comics of 2014

Do you agree or disagree? Personally I think including Superior Spidey and not Scarlet Spider (which ended the beginning of 2014) wasn't that good of a choice.

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

The Official PS4 Thread - Part 9

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Good Books to Read While in Jail

My buddy got roped up on his 6th DUI and will be doing a pretty good stretch. I made this thread so I can get some good ideas for books to send to him while he is locked up these next few years. Anything that you think is a good read or self help kind of stuff would be appreciated. I'll be getting an idea of what he likes here soon but feel free to post anything that is good. I sent him book one of the Song of Fire and Ice series to see if he likes that as well as Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success by Napoleon Hill.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Nintendo to *possibly* have a new gen console in 2016

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

I apologize if a thread like this was already made. It also fits in the misc section but the misc section itself is too broad for my taste, at least for this thread.

Anyways yeah, AMD announced they have a new contract with a customer, but we don't know with who. All we do know is that it will be for a game console.

Amazing Spider Dad


This little boy had brain cancer. This is what his dad did for him for his 5th birthday.

This is why

Spidey rules

What Are You Listening to Right Now? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 37

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here



Although 2014 is just about over, Hollywood multi-hyphenate Sylvester Stallone is among those already looking to the future. Stallone revealed via Twitter that he has lined up his next three projects: He’ll begin production in Philadelphia on the Rocky spinoff Creed immediately, then shoot Rambo: Last Blood (confirming’s own title scoop from earlier this year) and follow both with the mobster biopic Scarpa .

Scarpa , finally, will follow the life of Gregory “The Grim Reaper” Scarpa, the chief enforcer for the Colombo crime family, who was also an FBI informant for over thirty years. Brad Furman (The Lincoln Lawyer, Runner Runner) is attached to direct with the script hailing from Nicholas Pileggi (Goodfellas, Casino).

I'm guessing Sly is playing the titular role.

Promises shall be kept - The Rodrigo90 FanFic section

Now, I'm not saying I'm deserving of my own thread, because I don't consider myself anything special in the writing world. I'm an ideas man. But I have promised a few around here that I would provide them with stories that they seem very keen to read, this ranges from my BvS script, to the MOS script I have been working on. I stated I could potentially improve where others found fault with the movie, and let me say, it's not as easy as what we think :hehe:

But I am writer and it's been my passion since I first listened to the stories my teachers would read to us in school. Always in awe, I was. I would attempt to mimic those tales of adventure and I would usually either receive praise from my teacher, or some critical words - and they would always help me craft upon improving from my mistakes.

And I can't thank all of you here enough for giving me praise on my ideas and short stories. To be nominated for best writer, and for anyone who has voted for me, I couldn't be more grateful, it's a wonderful feeling.

And I felt this section was a little bare, so I hope to bring others along here and so we may share our tales together :)

And I will complete my scripts I promised! From Clark Kent in the Middle East, learning how much the world needs a hero, to Batman attacking him with his hundreds of Bat-Drones, mimicking as Gargoyles upon Gotham's rooftops, to the entire plot being orchestrated by Lex Luthor in order to get his hands on Brainiac's skull from the Russian Government, it'll be done.

And I shall be posting other tales of heroes and villains alike.

And again, thank you for all the kindness and support you guys have given me over the last few years of being here!

Enjoy your New Year! :D

DoFP Rogue cut

I thought there was a separate thread about this already, but I couldn't find it anywhere. :huh:

Anyway article I read yesterday said how this cut will not have a copy of the theatrical version included, it will be solely it's only thing with it's own extras.

So if anybody's worried about double dipping, it's not really double dipping in this case.:word:

mardi 30 décembre 2014

Musician Recreates Ancient Sumerian Music


These songs are examples of how art and science can come together to create something incredible. Musician Stef Conner learned to read several ancient Babylonian and Sumerian tablets written in cuneiform script, using historians' research to figure out likely pronunciation.

Conner is accompanied here by Andy Lowings, who recreates ancient instruments and plays a giant lyre that would have been used by the people who wrote these songs thousands of years ago.

Over at Newsweek, Douglas Main writes:

But how does one reincarnate music that no human voice has uttered for millennia? Conner says a key step was to really understand the language. She carefully studied historical analysis of the stresses and intonations of Babylonian and Sumerian for hints as to how it may have sounded, and researched how language is converted into music in similar Semitic languages. Then, after choosing and memorizing a piece of writing or poem, Conner collaborated with Lowings to create the melody.

Here are the tracks to listen to on Soundcloud:

Here is Conner's website and you can buy her albums on Itunes

I think this is really cool and if you have an interest in music as I do than this is very fascinating. Just thinking about the fact that people could have been listening to something similar to this so long ago is staggering

Is there a "Machete Order" for the X-Men movies?

Having had Days of Futures Past happen which changed the franchise, is there a truncated viewing order for the movies? Just want to ask as I'm looking to purchase the good ones.

For those who don't know what the "Machete Order" is, for the Star Wars movies a fan created a truncated viewing order of the Star Wars films cutting out most of the pain that is the Prequel Trilogy.

Is there something similar for the X-Men films?

Film reviews with Ultron-5

Hello citizens. This is the thread where I will review films. I will mostly review films of my choice but if there is a certain film you want me to review, and if it's not some weird movie I've never seen before, I may review a film of your choice. I will also discuss upcoming movies and movies that were never made such as Superman Lives. My first review will be coming soon, so stay tuned.

War Machine / Iron Patriot ???

So, we keep seeing Rhodey in the promotional materials - he shows up at Tony's party in the trailer and in the still shots.

We have yet to see War Machine, though. Is Rhodey going to appear in-store? Does he make it through the film alive?

I'm surprised that there's been so little buzz around him!

Action Sequence of the year 2014

Vote away folks! :D

Best Mo-Cap Character?

Not necessarily best movie or even most photorealistic, but who do you think is the best, most memorable motion capture character in film thus far?

Guardians 2 or Thor: Ragnarok?

Which one are you more excited to see? Which one do you think has the most potential?

Is it the ragtag team of misfits that you fell in love with last summer? Or the Thunder god who hasn't yet gotten the movie he deserves?

Steins;Gate co-developer Nitropluss: Tokyo Necro

Steins;Gate Studio’s 15th Anniversary Project Is Tokyo Necro. December 30, 2014 . 9:00am

Steins;Gate co-developer Nitroplus are teasing their 15th anniversary project.


VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Steins;Gate co-developer Nitroplus are teasing their 15th anniversary project, an 18+ visual novel named Tokyo Necro. You can find its official website here.

Tokyo Necro is conceptualized by Makoto Fukami (Psycho Pass). Vio Shimokura is writing the script, and artwork is being handled by Shinya Osaki. The game also features mechanical designs by Makoto Ishiwata (Valvrave the Liberator, Space Dandy). You can find artwork from the project on its official Tumblr.

Tokyo Necro is slated for release in Japan sometime in Summer 2015.

Read more stories about PC & Tokyo Necro on Siliconera.


Your 5 most anticipated films of 2015?


1) Star Wars The Force Awakens

2) Avengers: Age of Ultron

3) Ant-Man

4) Tomorrowland

5) Chappie

Poll coming soon!

Your Dream Profession

Okay, so I've had some shrill harpies get on my case because I don't like nor want to be in Modeling as a career. I personally don't see it as a real job at all. I mean how can just standing there dressed like a pretty little doll or sex object with a vacuous emotionless look on your face be considered work? It's such a vain, self absorbed profession, to only be considered pretty and nothing else. It's not what I have ever strived to be, only pretty. That's so shallow and useless a label.

Anyways, it got me thinking what would be my Dream Profession? The answer came to me quite quickly, I'd love to own a Dog/Cat Park. I've loved being around animals all my life and it's strongly an interest of mine, unlike Modeling. I have an idea in my head that it would be great to run a dog park where people can take their dogs to get some exercise and socialization with other dogs. It's far more appealing to me than what the shrill harpies want. (Don't know why they're so upset because models are a dime a dozen.)

So, if you could have any Profession you wanted what would it be?

SHAZAM!!! The T.V. Show

So, does anyone remember the old, campy, Shazam tv show from the 70's??? It was pretty good for it's time, the plots were campy, & the special effects were cheesy & silly, but as a child back then, you'd enjoy it.

lundi 29 décembre 2014

Doctor voodoo speculation and casting thread

Would anyone else love to see doctor voodoo in doctor strange? (Yes, I'm aware now of what that sounds like but please keep your mind out of the gutter).

I think he would be amazing. I can see him as being an occasional friend to strange, sort of a felix leiter to strange's James Bond.

As for casting, I wonder what Harold perrineu is up to this days? He is such a talented actor but I haven't heard of anything he has done since lost. Or do you think voodoo might be a bit of an unfortunate ethnic stereotype?

Bruce's Love Interest

Taking Catwoman out of the equation, the films have been pretty evenly split in terms of giving us original love interests (Chase Meridian, Rachel) and ones from the comics (Vicki Vale, Julie Madison).

Personally, I'd like to see a comic-based love interest this time around. Maybe Silver St. Cloud. Maybe Vicki again. Maybe Jezebel Jet or Sasha Bordeaux.

Bill Cosby is an alleged rapist

If/when we ever get the celebrity forum back, I guess we can just merge this one into the preexisting thread. Anyway...

Cosby Reportedly Hired Private Investigators to Discredit Accusers

Judd Apatow Slams Cosby on Twitter

The Wrestling Thread Is Missing A Whole Box Of Brass Rings! - - - - - - Part 191

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Should Bruce Wayne or Batman Appear?

With Batman already established in the world it only makes sense for him to have already had some battles against some of the squad members. I expect Batman to be mentioned in some way, maybe a reference as to why someone was imprisoned in the first place to be approached by Waller.

But should Bruce or Batman make an appearance in the film? We know the Joker or Harley Quinn will be involved and Batman would not just let the clown move about freely in the world without observing and tracking him. Or Amanda Waller could possibly seek certain Technology from Wayne Enterprises but Bruce turns her down knowing how the technology would be used.

There are plenty of ways to make this happen but what do you think? Does the Caped Crusader need to appear or would the story be better served without him?

Wonder Woman fighting style!

Gal Gadot was an athletic trainer for the army, she also studied for the role of Wonder Woman disciplines such as kickboxing and Kung Fu, jujutsu and fencing classes.

So this amazon will know how to get your ass kicked. But how do you think Woman's fighting style will be? Some examples?

Also do you think Gadot will have a fighting double for most of the scenes or will she be doing most of the heavy stuff?

Lukes ROTJ Lightsaber.

I recently received a master replica of Luke's lightsaber. I was thrilled and got in the mood to watch Rotj. As such I realized something he at no point in the film has bronze on it. Its black and where the replica has bronze. What a major mistake. How did they miss that.

The Avengers Initiative logo

I noticed there's an Avengers logo on the new promo art for Ant-Man.

I recall seeing something similar on certain art and products for Iron Man 3 and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, so does anyone know if this branding is for the MCU in general or just characters with ties to the Avengers in the comics?

Worst costume of the MCU/Marvel movies?

So what has been the worst costume for you guys so far?

Decided to add two categories....the MCU and the other Marvel movies


Other Marvel Movies

So, which do you guys think is the worst?

EVERLY - badass Salma Hayek

The legend of Korra movie

Honestly, I get that people want a proper adaption of avatar especially after the last mess but for me the legend of korra is where it's at. It's fantastic and a great place to start fresh. Plus it's history! Here's who I would cast...

Korra - ellen wong

Asami - hana Mae Lee

Bolin - Michael hing

Mako - jordan Rodriguez

Tenzin - ken watanabe of course!

Lin beifong- Gong li

Directed by Bryan singer

Drax's Origins

Anyone think Drax's origins will be explained further in the sequel? I know I've heard a few things about it being possible from James Gunn, just don't remember when or where.

Some things I'm hoping they go over are Thanos being the murderer of his family, his tattoos (which were explained in an unofficial deleted scene, so they may save that for the sequel), Arthur Douglas, being resurrected by Kronos(?), and maybe some Moondragon.

Share your thoughts!

Your Top 10 Most Anticpated Games of 2015

Below is an incomplete list of games scheduled to come out in 2015.

Which games are you most looking forward to next year?

[SPOILER]Assassin's Creed Victory

Atelier Ayesha Plus: The Alchemist of Dusk

Axiom Verge

Batman: Arkham Knight


Battlefield Hardline

Bladestorm: Nightmare


Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.

Crackdown 3

Dead Island 2

Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance

Dragon Ball Xenoverse

Drawn to Death

Dying Light

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires


Fable Legends

Fat Princess Adventures


Galak-Z: The Dimensional

Gran Turismo 7


Halo 5: Guardians

Halo: Spartan Strike

Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai Remix



Homefront: The Revolution

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

Human Element

Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age

Hyper Light Drifter

Just Cause 3

Killing Floor 2

King's Quest

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Under Fire II

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

The Legend of Zelda Wii U

Let It Die

Mad Max

Mario Maker

Mario Party 10

Mario vs. Donkey Kong Wii U

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Mighty No. 9

Minecraft: Story Mode

Mortal Kombat X

No Man's Sky

Persona 5

Pillars of Eternity

Quantum Break

Ratchet & Clank PS4

Raven's Cry

Resident Evil: Revelations 2

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker


Soul Saga

Space Hulk: Deathwing

Star Fox Wii U

Star Wars: Battlefront

Tales of Zestiria

The Talos Principle

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's The Division

Torment: Tides of Numenera

Total War: Attila

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade

Whore of the Orient

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Yakuza 5

Yoshi's Woolly World


Avengers 2 Trailer reveals Capt. America can Move Thor's hammer.

This a great trailer shows the avengers attempting to lift THor's hammer to some humour until Steve Rogers takes a grip. THors face is priceless.

The Punisher or Spawn... which needs a reboot first?

The Punisher was in 3 movies, starring 3 different actors as Frank Castle. None of them were all too great and they weren't too successful at the box office. Thomas Jane, who portrayed The Punisher in the 2004 film, returned as The Punisher in the superb 2012 short film "Dirty Laundry". Spawn appeared in the lackluster 1997 film starring Michael Jai White as the titular character alongside John Leguizamo as Violator. Which of these darker comic book characters should be rebooted first?

Early Star Wars 7 Box Office Prediction Thread

Can SW7 recapture the masses like it did for the original?

What are your box office predictions?

dimanche 28 décembre 2014

OFFICIAL Agent Carter IMAGE Thread

5400 x 3699 (x2)

1280 x 720

1920 x 1251

2363 x 3150

900 x 1200

5889 x 8847

3540 x 1188

What's The Last Movie You Watched? - - - - Part 35

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Crocetta of Caltanissetta

Good, bad, indifferent?


Red Skull as next villain?

Kind of a longshot but he did get lost in space at the end of captain America. Would be a great way to weave guardians with the avengers

What are your hopes for 2015?

Mine are...

- for the video game industry to finally take a lead against gamer gate by having more diverse protaganists.

- for the world to be even more wary of the dangers of Vladimir Putin and his global role and to stop treating him like he's some lovable comic book villian

- on a personal note, hopefully for me to find a stable boyfriend :)

- as always I hope I keep my job and that some of my unemployed friends find work soon

What about you?

The "Don't Worry, I Got Ya" Diamond List for 12/31/2014


Abigail And The Snowman #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Roger Landridge), $3.99

Abigail And The Snowman #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Sonny Liew), AR


Massive Volume 4 Sahara TP, $19.99

X Volume 4 Better Off Dead TP, $14.99


Batman Eternal #39, $2.99

Earth 2 World's End #13, $2.99

New 52 Futures End #35, $2.99


Star Trek Planet Of The Apes #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Rachael Stott), $3.99

Star Trek Planet Of The Apes #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Juan Ortiz), $3.99

Star Trek Planet Of The Apes #1 (Of 5)(Cover RI-A Tone Rodriguez), AR

Star Trek Planet Of The Apes #1 (Of 5)(Cover RI-B George Perez), AR

Star Trek Planet Of The Apes #1 (Of 5)(Cover SUB-A George Perez), $3.99

Star Trek Planet Of The Apes #1 (Of 5)(Cover SUB-B Blank), $3.99


East Of West #16 (Cover A Nick Dragotta), $3.50

East Of West #16 (Cover B Nick Dragotta 'The Pra'), $3.50

East Of West #16 (Cover C Nick Dragotta 'Texas'), $3.50

East Of West #16 (Cover D Nick Dragotta 'The Endless Nation'), $3.50

East Of West #16 (Cover E Nick Dragotta 'The Kingdom'), $3.50

East Of West #16 (Cover F Nick Dragotta 'The Confederacy'), $3.50

East Of West #16 (Cover G Nick Dragotta 'The Union'), $3.50

East Of West #16 (Cover H Nick Dragotta 'Armistice'), $3.50

East Of West #16 (Cover I Jamie McKelvie & Matthew Wilson), AR

Wytches #1 (Image Firsts Edition), $1.00


All-New Miracleman Annual #1 (Gabriele Dell'Otto Regular Cover), $4.99

All-New Miracleman Annual #1 (Jeff Smith Variant Cover), AR

All-New Miracleman Annual #1 (Joe Quesada Sketch Variant Cover), AR

All-New Miracleman Annual #1 (Joe Quesada Variant Cover), AR

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (Blank Variant Cover), AR

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (David Marquez Young Guns Variant Cover), AR

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (John Tyler Christopher Deadpool Party Sketch Variant Cover), AR

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (John Tyler Christopher Deadpool Party Variant Cover), AR

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (Julian Totino Tedesco Regular Cover), $4.99

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (Mahmud Asrar Young Guns Variant Cover), AR

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Photo Variant Cover), AR

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (Mike Deodato Variant Cover), AR

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (Ryan Stegman Young Guns Variant Cover), AR

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (Sara Pichelli Young Guns Variant Cover), AR

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (Skottie Young Variant Cover), AR

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (Steve McNiven Young Guns Variant Cover), AR

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (Valerio ****i Young Guns Variant Cover), AR


X-O Manowar #31 (Cover A Raul Allen), $3.99

X-O Manowar #31 (Cover B Raul Allen), $3.99

X-O Manowar #31 (Emanuela Lupacchino Variant Cover), AR

Action Sequence of the year 2014 - Nominations Thread

Nominate 3, the 8 most nominated go into the poll in two days time. :)

My nominations:

Freeway chase/fight - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Car chase - The Raid 2

Cap escapes the Triskelion - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Janos the Manos - The Janos Slynt Appreciation Thread

In this thread we discuss the unsung hero at the wall, Janos Slynt. One of the best implicit lines in the entire series pertains to Slynt: They (the Night's Watch) had found a southerner and kingsguard that still cared about the realms of men. This in reference to Slynt taking it upon himself to taste the food during the battle of Castle Black, knowing full well that the crows would be descending on the open position of Lord Commander and that some would take it through poison rather than an honest election.

What happens when the mutants get old?

Which X-Men would be the best when they get old?

Check out these elderly mutants...

Which actors should WB/DC recruit?

Made this as a response to Tg11's Marvel version of this thread.

I dropped the part about "who DC should have recruited" part as I wouldn't want to create another thread about people who hate the current slate of DCCU actors or another "Grant Gustin should have been the movie Flash!" thread.

I'll start:

Nathan Fillion for an older Hal Jordan.

Hackers Leak Details for 13,000 Accounts Including Amazon, Wal-Mart and XBox Live


A gang of internet hackers claims it has leaked personal details of more than 13,000 users of PlayStation, Xbox and sites including Amazon in what appears to be the latest high-profile breach of internet security in recent weeks.

The hackers - who say they are affiliated to Anonymous, the shadowy anarchist hacking collective - released a document containing username and password combinations, with credit card numbers and expiry dates added later.

Microsoft’s Xbox games console, Sony’s PlayStation equivalent, and online gaming site were among the main targets of the hack, the website reported. Other reported targets include Walmart, the US supermarket giant, Amazon, Dell, computer games including The Sims 3 and Dragon Age: Origins and a host of porn sites.

Games consoles such as Xbox and Playstation, as well as computer games, use the internet so that gamers can play each other online.

The hackers, who posted on Twitter that they had carried the hack out "for the Lulz", or laughs, also uploaded the The Interview, the controversial Sony film that has recently caused a diplomatic row involving the US and North Korea, to a file-sharing website where it can be illegally downloaded.

A tweet, posted by the @AnonymousGlobo account, said: “A total of approximately 13k accounts. We did for the Lulz.”

If confirmed, the apparent hack comes soon after other high-profile breaches of internet security.


Anonymous @AnonymousGlobo

#LulzXmas: VPNCyberGhost, UbiSoft, VCC, Brazzers, UFC TV, PSN, XBL Gamers, Twitch TV, Amazon, Hulu Plus, Dell, Walmart, (EA) Games, LEAKED..


Anonymous @AnonymousGlobo

A total of approximately 13k accounts. We did for the Lulz.

#Anonymous #AntiSec #LulzXmas

10:13 AM - 26 Dec 2014


Sony is still battling to fully restore its PlayStation services following a separate hack over Christmas took gamers around the world offline, just as they were settling down to enjoy their new festive gifts.

The company on this weekend urged players to be patient as it worked to bring services on its PS4, PS3 and Vita systems back online. Microsoft’s Xbox, which also went down over Christmas, was restored on Boxing Day.

A group of hackers, calling themselves Lizard Squad, took credit for the attacks, with a man claiming to speak for the group claimed they had done it for the “public good” to “raise awareness” about shortfalls in security systems.

Some security experts believe Lizard Squad is closely allied with Guardians of Peace, the group blamed for the attack on Sony provoking a diplomatic row between North Korea and the US.

But tracing the hackers could be problematic, say experts, while Sony and Microsoft continue to decline to give exact details of where the hacks originated.

Just thought it might be a good idea to post so people are aware in case.

AirAsia flight QZ8501 from Indonesia to Singapore missing


An AirAsia flight travelling from Indonesia to Singapore has lost contact with air traffic control with 162 people on board.

Flight QZ8501 lost contact at 07:24 (23:24 GMT), Malaysia-based AirAsia tweeted.

Search and rescue operations are under way.

Malaysia's national carrier Malaysia Airlines has suffered two disasters this year - flights MH370 and MH17 - but AirAsia has never lost a plane.

Flight MH370 disappeared on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March with 239 passengers and crew, and MH17 was shot down over Ukraine in July, killing all 298 on board.

The AirAsia flight had been due to arrive in Singapore at 08:30 (00:30GMT).

The missing jet had requested a "deviation" from the flight path due to bad weather, the company said.

The flight arrivals board at Changi Airport in Singapore, where the AirAsia flight was due

There were 155 passengers on board, with 138 adults, 16 children and one infant, the company said in a statement. Also on board were two pilots and five cabin crew.

Most of those on board were Indonesian, but there were six others on board, AirAsia has said: three South Koreans, and one each from France, Malaysia and Singapore.

An official with the transport ministry, Hadi Mustofa, told local media the plane lost contact over the Java Sea, between the islands of Kalimantan and Java.

He said the plane had asked for an unusual route before it lost contact and that the weather had been cloudy.

There's reportedly a crash site off the east coast of Sumatera, in the waters of East Belitung, but nothing is confirmed yet.

Horrible year for Malaysian airlines. Horrible, horrible news in general.

The Avengers 2! The Official News and Speculation Thread - - - - - - - - Part 35

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

samedi 27 décembre 2014

2014 NFL thread: Romo's Revenge - Part 5

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

2014-2015 NFL Playoff Pool

Welcome to the 2014-2015 NFL Playoff Pool

So here's basically what's going to happen. After tomorrows games, you will start by sending me just your Wild Card picks (just the winner is all I need). Some of you have done this before and already know what to expect. If you pick the correct winner, you will be awarded 1 point. If you manage to pick every game that weekend, I will award you 2 extra points. We will do this all the way to the Super Bowl. Super Bowl will be worth 2 points.

Super Bowl Pick: For your Super Bowl pick, you will give me the following things.

  • Winner

  • Score Of The Game

  • MVP

I'm going to do away with the MVP's Stats since I've never used them.

So that's basically how it works. I will not accept picks after kickoff. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to PM me or post in this thread. I'll be taking Sign-Ups all week long.

Please send your picks in a PM.!!

Previous Winners

2006-07 - StorminNorman

2007-08 - StorminNorman

2008-09 - Bond

2009-10 - Poeman

2010-11 - Holiday

2011-12 - Kane52630

2012-13 - MessiahDecoy123

2013-14 - MessiahDecoy123

2014-15 - ?

Winner gets to start the 2015 NFL Thread. Good Luck!


Best comic movie castings from any period of history

If death and age were no barrier and you could cast the most ideal actor in a comic book role from any period of Hollywood history so that you got the most faithful representation, who would you cast?

Some of my picks:

Superman - Gregory Peck

Captain America - Robert Redford

Iron Man - Timothy Dalton (circa Flash Gordon or The Living Daylights)

Reed Richards - Steven Boyd (circa Fantastic Voyage)

I'll think of some others later. How about your picks?



VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Didn't see a thread for this. Looks really good.

James Bond Highlight Reel

Hi fellow 007 fans.

Here's the concept: You have to choose one scene from each Bond film (the official EON productions) to make a "greatest hits" collection.

I'll start.

DR. NO: Killing Prof. Dent

FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE: Train fight with Red Grant

GOLDFINGER: Pre-Credits or Laser Table (I can't choose!)

THUNDERBALL: Pre-Credits with the jet pack!

YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE: The fight on the docks with that great shot as Bond is chased and the camera goes higher and higher

OHMSS: The raid on Piz Gloria/bobsled chase

DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER: The two Blofelds in Whyte's penthouse

LIVE AND LET DIE: The crocodile (alligator) run


SPY WHO LOVED ME: The night show at the Pyramids

MOONRAKER: The pheasant hunt-Corrine hunted by the dogs

FOR YOUR EYES ONLY: Night raid on Kristato's place-death of Loque

OCTOPUSSY: Pre-credits

A VIEW TO A KILL: May Day's parachute off the Eiffel Tower-car chase


LICENCE TO KILL: "Water skiing" scene

GOLDENEYE: Bond/Onatopp scene-statue graveyard (yeah its a cheat but I love that whole sequence)


THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH: Torture chair-Bond killing Elektra (I never miss!)

DIE ANOTHER DAY: The fencing match with Graves

CASINO ROYALE: The parkour(sp?) chase or Bond and Vesper meeting on the train


SKYFALL: The silouhette fight

Jackie Chan, John Cusack and Adrien Brody star in 'Dragon Blade'

And the award for most unlikely trio of actors to star in an epic sword and sandals movie goes to...

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Fox's X-Men character analogies w/ MCU's Avengers characters

Does DC have (or has had) its own Avi Arad?

Basically, a greedy, arrogant (and dare I say, somewhat eccentric), short-sighted, hack producer who insists on meddling (or micromanaging to be more exact) w/ the directors' vision like he has done w/ at least Spider-Man 3 w/ Sam Raimi and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 w/ Marc Webb. I want to say Jon Peters based on the stories involving him during the production of what would become Superman Returns. And speaking of Superman, you can also add the Salkinds and subsequently, the Cannon Group (Golan-Globus), who oversaw the Christopher Reeve era Superman movies. Obviously, who ever was involved w/ the negative creative decisions in Joel Schumacher's Batman films (in particular, the second one) should immediately be considered.

The Western Film- Hell's coming with me!

Any western fans around here?!

One of the greatest genres of all time. It spread roots down into sexy Italy. Spaghetti westerns came to hold their own.

John Ford

Sergio Leone

Sergio Corbucci

My masters.

For those of y'all who enjoyed Django Unchained, here is Tarantino's main influence for the film.

The Great Silence.

One of the greatest westerns of all time.

Establishing The Lanterns in the DCCU

Im my opinion they should Hal Jordan be an already established Lantern. I had a particular story in mind to make this happen.


Hal Jordan was a green Lantern for years and his adventures took place throughout his sector and when he did work on earth it was on low-key missions ordered by the guardians. They felt that humans were not ready to enter the galactic landscape and were still being studied.

Hal became a Legendary Lantern, so much so that the guardians appointed a new human Lantern, one that was nominated by Hal Jordan.

This nominee and eventual Lantern was John Stewart and he too rose through the ranks of the Lanterns.

After years of service Hal Jordan resigns as a Lantern sue to the loss of many of his fellow Lanterns and the Carol Ferris becoming a member of the Star Sapphires

Stewart takes over for Jordan as the Head Lantern of sector 2814. They assign Kyle Rayner to be Stewart's protégé as they are unsure if Stewart alone can cover for Jordan's absence.

While on a mission Stewart and Rayner are following Larfleeze who it appears is attempting to steal a yellow ring of power and on the mission Rayner, Bzzzd and Galius Zed end up dead and a planet destroyed. Stewart is accused of the crime of sacrificing innocent lives to secure his objective and is put on trial.


Kilowog travels to Earth to inform Jordan of Stewart's situation and suggests he attend the trial.

Jordan attends and we see the rest of the story play out.


We see short stories play out through the eyes of different Lanterns. They will each be around 20 - 30 minutes.

Kilowag training a young Hal Jordan. Here we see Jordan's exceptional talent and potential as a future Lantern while explaining the significance that Stewart was chosen by Jordan to join the Corp.

Hal Jordan & John Stewart challenging Sinestro shortly after he obtains the yellow ring. This was one of their Early missions together and will establish that companionship.

Tomar Re's Eulogy at the funerals of Rayner, Zed & Bzzd. Introduces the audience to Re and his feelings on the Lanterns brotherhood.

Jordan Informing his close friends in the Corp that he will be resigning and returning to Earth and their parting words and how the Corp celebrates the career of a legend. Takes place during the intermission of the trial when Jordan meets up with his old companions.

Kanjar Ro takes the stand and acts as a witness to the accused crime. He narrates his account of the story as the audience slowly sees the true happenings and realize that he lying.

This spoils the ending to this version.

[SPOILER]John Stewart is sentenced to death and executed and the Guardians now question Jordan's choice of Stewart and allow his ring to choose a new bearer and travels once again to Earth and we see the ring travel to the apartment of a man with Michigan University apparel and an encased football jersey as the man sleeps.[/SPOILER]

What do you guys think? What do you like? What don't yoh? What story do you think would be great to adapt? ,

vendredi 26 décembre 2014

Clark Gregg and Chloe Bennet say thanks to MCU fans!

I was joined by Clark Gregg and Chloe Bennet to say thank you to fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Rate the song!

Let's play a game. Link a song and the next poster will rate it from one to ten. You can give it a small review too if you like!

Let me start with

Year of the Goat - Of Darkness

The "Keep Hope Alive" (that the rights can revert back to Marvel) thread - Part 9

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Your Top 25 Favorite Movie Moments of All-Time

What are yours?

1. The Dark Knight -
Rescuing the Hostages/Fighting Joker in the Prewitt Building. An intense finale to an epic movie. Batman getting Joker with his armblades makes me want to fistpump everytime.

2. Home Alone 1 & 2 - Setting up the traps. They're both great montages with excellent music. Really gets you excited for the mayhem about to ensue.

3. The Dark Knight - Ending montage. Nice set of scenes, cut together with some great narration by Bats and Gordon.

4. Cowboy Bebop: The Movie -
Spike in his ship, the Swordfish, trying to get to Vincent, while battling the men from the Pharmaceutical company. The jazzy music was great.

5. Beauty and the Beast - 'Kill the Beast!' Song.

6. Aladdin - 'Friend like Me' song. Probably my favorite Disney song ever. (I list 'Kill the Beast!' higher, because it is a turning point in the story and a lot of stuff is going down.) RIP Robin. :(

7. Cowboy Bebop: The Movie -
Monorail Fight

8. Edward Scissorhands - Edward remembering the death of his creator.

9. Edward Scissorhands - Epilogue. Really touching, great music.

10. Collateral - Club Scene

11. A Christmas Story - Meeting Santa at the mall. Still hilarious to this day. Ralphie's goofy grin as he makes his request for Santa, Santa's obnoxious laughter, the very unpleasant and annoyed elves. It was great.

12. The Dark Knight - Joker burning the money.

13. Batman Begins - Training Montage.

14. Wreck-It Ralph - Hero's Duty sequence.

15. The Lion King - Circle of Life Intro. Not really a fan of the the movie (I think Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast were better) but this is where the film really shined. Animation was gorgeous, and the song itself was great, really reflected the scenery.

16. Cowboy Bebop: The Movie - Tower fight with Spike and Vincent.

17. Shrek 2 - "I Need a Hero" song. I really thought this movie was a disappointment compared to the first one, but this was still a great scene.

18. LOTR: Return of the King - The entire last 30 minutes. Sam carrying Frodo up to Mount Doom, Frodo tossing the ring in the fire, the two escaping Mount Doom, the epilogue.

19. Batman Begins -
Monorail Fight.

20. The Shining - Finale. the meaning of 'Redrum' found in the mirror, The 'Here's Johnny' bit, Jack chasing Danny through the hedgemaze, it was all great. Best horror film ever.

21. Wall-E - Eve and Wall-E flying around the Axiom in space. Music really helped set the scene.

22. Wall-E - Eve restoring an amnesiac Wall-E.

23. Toy Story 3 - Andy giving Woody away. So sad. Really wish the series had ended here. It's just not the same with Woody having a new owner now.

24. The Emperor's New Groove - Kronk's conscience talking to him. IMO, one of the funniest moments in animated films ever.

25. Ferris Bueller's Day Off - Finale. The scene where they 'killed the car' was hilarious, and was followed with an epic chase scene.

Early Guardians of the Galaxy Box Office Prediction Thread - Part 3

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

It's been five years since Avatar came out...

And we've still not gotten a feature film version of Disney's Gargoyles using the same technology that was used on the Na'vi to bring the gargoyles to life.

Get. It. Together. Hollywood. :o

Would You Rather? - Two completely imaginary Batman film projects

Which completely made-up Batman film, that will almost certainly never be made, would you rather see?

Ayy do you want a Shattered Dimensions movie lmao?

Imagine having a movie with multiple Spideys

Tobayy- Original Spidey

Garfield- New alternate universe Spidey

Logan or whatever new guy- Spidey 2099

Would be insayyyyyne lmao

What Comics/Storylines maybe will influence Age of Ultron?

Obviously, the film is called AGE OF ULTRON, but that doesn't mean it is inspired by that storyline.

From everything I have seen so far, I see hints of:





The Ultimates because the filmmakers for all the Marvel films have looked to The Ultimates in some way, especially for the costume designs.

Avengers Disassembled because that is the comic that 'ended' in a way the classic Avengers roster and was pre-Civil War and from what Kevin Feige has said, it looks like the roster will change by the end of the film.

House of M because I see maybe an influence from the Scarlet Witch creating Visions for the team and I see some of that in the film.

Ultron Unlimited because in my opinion this the best and most iconic Ultron story and involves Ultron invading/eliminating a European country which we know is also involved in Age of Ultron. Black Panther, Vibranium and Wakanda is also in this storyline.

2019 - The Wolverine Recast Thread

It's inevitable that 2017 will have Hugh Jackman's last turn as Wolverine before he hangs up the claws and while there will be a break in 2018 for X-Force, the following year is absolutely going to require somebody new in the role.

Emile Hirsch is my top choice since he has the rugged look down, he'll only be 34 when the film comes out and he's only 5'7 which is close to Logan's actual height in the comics.

The Werewolf Game

Turns out I put this in the wrong board last time. Hopefully that one will get deleted.

This is pretty much a version of mafia.

In The Werewolf Game, there are two teams. The wolves and the humans. There will be significantly fewer wolves. TWG is split into Nights and Days. In Nights, the wolves can kill one of the humans. At Day, everyone votes to lynch/kill someone, usually someone who is acting suspicious. To vote, one would type 'Lynch: ---'. The person with the most votes gets eliminated. After Night, it becomes Day. After Day, it becomes Night. Games usually start at Night, but they can start at Day as well. Nights and Days are numbered (Night 1, Day 1, Night 2, Day 2, Night 3 etc). The humans win when all of the wolves are dead. The wolves win when the number of humans equals or is smaller than the number of wolves.

Human -
Basically, a Human votes and does strategy. They vote for who they think is suspicious, and they should attempt to band together to form an alliance.




There are two Millers. They know who each other are but aside from that they are humans.


Disguised Wolf - Comes up as in green in seer checks, but is a wolf.

Seer -
Every night, the Seer asks the Host the colour of someone in the game. The host will reply. For example, Humans are green and Wolves are red.
Guardian - Can protect someone from being wolfed each night. If the wolves attack the protected user, that user is not killed.

Wolf - An ordinary wolf, no special powers.

Brutal Wolf - When lynched, someone of the brutal wolf's choice dies too.

Mason - The mason is told to be a human, but comes up as red in seer checks.

If you would like to play the game, sign-up below. Feel free to ask any questions.

Host: Penguin022














The Werewolf Game

This is pretty much a version of mafia.

In The Werewolf Game, there are two teams. The wolves and the humans. There will be significantly fewer wolves. TWG is split into Nights and Days. In Nights, the wolves can kill one of the humans. At Day, everyone votes to lynch/kill someone, usually someone who is acting suspicious. To vote, one would type 'Lynch: ---'. The person with the most votes gets eliminated. After Night, it becomes Day. After Day, it becomes Night. Games usually start at Night, but they can start at Day as well. Nights and Days are numbered (Night 1, Day 1, Night 2, Day 2, Night 3 etc). The humans win when all of the wolves are dead. The wolves win when the number of humans equals or is smaller than the number of wolves.

Human -
Basically, a Human votes and does strategy. They vote for who they think is suspicious, and they should attempt to band together to form an alliance.




There are two Millers. They know who each other are but aside from that they are humans.


Disguised Wolf - Comes up as in green in seer checks, but is a wolf.

Seer -
Every night, the Seer asks the Host the colour of someone in the game. The host will reply. For example, Humans are green and Wolves are red.
Guardian - Can protect someone from being wolfed each night. If the wolves attack the protected user, that user is not killed.

Wolf - An ordinary wolf, no special powers.

Brutal Wolf - When lynched, someone of the brutal wolf's choice dies too.

Mason - The mason is told to be a human, but comes up as red in seer checks.

If you would like to play the game, sign-up below. Feel free to ask any questions.

Host: Penguin022















Full Screen DVDs: Why?

Seriously, why were they ever a thing? Was it because it was still so close to the VHS age?

It pisses me off because, at one point, I was young and naive enough to think that full screen was the better option. The first two of Raimi's Spider-Man movies, the whole LOTR trilogy, and I think the first two Harry Potters too... :argh:

Luckily Target has the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy for, like, ten dollars, and both of the Spider-Man movies for a few dollars a piece, but I wouldn't be Sawyer if I wasn't raging about something. :o

jeudi 25 décembre 2014

Michelle Obama states white lady was racist to ask her for help at Target

Remember when Michelle went to Target to prove she’s just like anybody else? She talks about that harrowing experience in a very serious story titled, “The Obamas: How We Deal with Our Own Racist Experiences.” “I tell this story – I mean, even as the first lady – during that wonderfully publicized trip I took to Target, not highly disguised, the only person who came up to me in the store was a woman who asked me to help her take something off a shelf. Because she didn’t see me as the first lady, she saw me as someone who could help her. Those kinds of things happen in life. So it isn’t anything new.”

“No one knew that was me because a woman actually walked up to me, right? I was in the detergent aisle, and she said — I kid you not — she said, ‘Excuse me, I just have to ask you something,’ and I thought, ‘Oh, cover’s blown.’ She said, ‘Can you reach on that shelf and hand me the detergent?’ I kid you not…And the only thing she said — I reached up, ’cause she was short, and I reached up, pulled it down — she said, ‘Well, you didn’t have to make it look so easy.’ That was my interaction. I felt so good.” And everybody laughed. Because they’re racists.


Why would a short lady be racist to ask a tall lady to get something from a top shelf?


Ayy where do you want the next move to start off?

I want a full reboot for the lulz ayyyyy

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all the Spidey fans


As the years have gone by, we've seen some of our regular posters fade away and new ones come to take their place.

Of course, Spidey will always rule and those of us who love the character, will continue to enjoy, hate, rant and celebrate the greatest character in science fiction.

Happy Holidays to all and best wishes for the New Year 2015!

Spidey rules:spidey:

How important is the Sony-Marvel meeting to the Fox IPs?

I think it's something that is very important to keep an eye on. It very well may put pressure on the rest of the non Marvel Studio-IPs.

Share your thoughts.

Feliz Navi-Lounge - Part 111

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Could a Spinoff be about an original character from Force Awakens

People have mentioned Boba Fett, Han Solo, Yoda etc but why can't there be a spinoff based on a brand new character

The sinister six.

This is an interesting theory, I think the line up is potentially great and the inclusion of female characters is a great choice.

What do you all think and should these characters be introduced in the spidey universe?

I would also hope to see an appearance from spiderman himself of course, Hopefully not too much screen time though and just as spiderman(no Peter Parker).

A lady version of scorpion is interesting if done well (a bit useless as I'd rather see an actual established secondary female character).

Does anyone here listen to music or something when reading comics?

Does anyone here do this when reading? Does it make you feel like you are watching a movie or something?

Just looking for ways to make reading comics more entertaining. I have a really huge pile to get through so that's why.

mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Denzel Washington-With or Without Hair?

Do you think Spider-Man should star in the reboot?

Nah here me out. Spidey fatigue is a thing, and it's growing. Faster than Sonic the Hedgehog & The Flash's love child (pretty ****ing scary) so... to avoid being affected by this, should the MARVEL STUDIOS SPIDER-MAN MOVIE FRANCHISE REBOOT 3.0 Mark 4 NOT star the walloping webswinging wall crawling red and blue spandexed teenaged brown haired white working class attractive super powered vigilante Arachnid Homo Sapien?

If he isn't in the movie, Spidey fatigue won't affect it... whereas if he IS in it... well, audiences will be like "moar spidey? lolololno".

So... to Spidey or not to Spidey?

...that is the question.

The Deal With Marvel: more likely or less likely?

Less likely or more likely

Your 5 Favourite Christmas Movies!

As it says in the title! :D






Which Upcoming Spy Movie are You Most Excited to See?

There seems to be a Spy Craze going on in Hollywood right now. Which one's got you excited the most?

Taken 3 (Olivier Megaton, Liam Neeson 1-9-2015)

Kingsman: The Secret Service (Matthew Vaughn, Colin Firth 2-13-2015)

The Gunman (Pierre Morel, Sean Penn 3-20-2015)

Spy (Paul Feig, Melissa McCarthy 5-22-2015)

Grimsby (Louis Letterier, Sacha Baron Cohen 7-31-2015)

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (Guy Ritchie, Henry Cavill 8-14-2015)

Hitman 2: Agent 47 (Aleksander Bach, Rupert Friend 8-22-2015)

Spectre (Sam Mendes, Daniel Craig 11-6-2015)

Untitled Cold War movie (Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks 11-12-2015)

Mission Impossible 5 (Chris Mcquarrie, Tom Cruise 12-25-2015)

Untitled Jason Bourne movie (Paul Greengrass, Matt Damon 2016)

Here is my ranking:

1. Kingsman: The Secret Service

2. Mission Impossible 5

3. Spectre

4. Untitled Jason Bourne Movie

5. Untitled Cold War Movie

6. The Man from UNCLE

7. The Gunman

8. Taken 3

Dont care yet for the others.

I chose Kingsman as my no. 1 because of the fun and throwback to the 60's Bond films vibe of the trailers, the extremely positive early reactions, the R rating, the director Matthew Vaugn, the actors (Firth, Caine, Sam Jackson!).

Samsung to join PlayStation Now next year?

Batmobile and Batwing, gadgets or guns?

So over the years, we've seen Batman's two most popular rides use sophisticated gadgets and guns to takedown enemy vehicles. Which one do you prefer? I prefer gadgets, I see it as an extension of Batman himself, plus it's more creative I think. Odd coming from someone someone who thinks the 89 Batwing and Batmobile are the best Batman vehicles ever, right ? :oldrazz: Though I'm thinking in terms of design. So which one do you like more?


Steak, steak, steak...

Steak, Steak, Steak...

Steak, Steak, STEAK...



Anyway, where was I... oh right.