vendredi 22 juillet 2016

How Will Marvel Juggle The Netflix Series?


So this is something I've been thinking about recently. Marvel has struck gold with their Netflix series. DD and JJ are critically acclaimed and renewed for follow up seasons. But, I'm wondering, eventually I think Marvel will face a little bit of a "conflict>" Let's face it, Luke Cage and Ironfist are likely to do as well as DD and JJ and Netflix will want new season orders for those shows. Then there's Defenders. I'm sure that's going to be a big hit and warrant its own season 2. Then there's the Punisher which was recently announced. By next year Marvel is going to be looking at 6 shows that they will need to keep in rotation and they can only put so much into production at one time (it seems like the model is 2 shows a year). And we're not even getting into other possible Netflix series (Moon Knight, Ghost Rider etc.)

Its a GOOD "problem" to have, don't get me wrong, but how do you guys think Marvel should juggle this new series model? Is it too long of a wait if Jessica Jones or Luke Cage have to wait 3 years to get a season 2? Is there room to branch out to other character series to add to the rotation? What are your thoughts?

How Will Marvel Juggle The Netflix Series?

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