jeudi 28 juillet 2016

Wallace Keefe, Lex Luthor, and little red notes

To me, this is pretty straight forwards, but I'm having a harder time wrapping my head around a common alternative perspective and I'd like someone to stand up for it and explain why it makes more sense, is more likely, and their preferred interpretation.

This is my understanding:
  1. Keefe loses his legs and is embittered.
  2. A few months after the BZE, Bruce starts the Victim's Fund and sends checks.
  3. Keefe cashes the first few checks to support his family, but his complex of being less-than drives away his family, embittering him further.
  4. Keefe sees Bruce as moving on and ignoring casualties like himself, ignoring Superman, and just using money to bury the issue.
  5. Keefe's grudge grows against Bruce too, which is why Bruce is on the wall along with Superman.
  6. Keefe begins to reject the checks with little red notes.
  7. No one from the Fund cares because it's a callous kind of charity to begin with, they didn't find Keefe a new meaningful position, counseling, support, or health care... they fired him and cut him checks. If he rejects their money, they're not in a position to offer anything else anyways so they ignore his notes.
  8. Keefe protests in the manner for 8-10 months max, not all ~24 months since the BZE.
  9. After the African Incident hits the news, Keefe's had enough and stages his public Superman statue protest in broad daylight, in front of cops and cameras, aware of the consequences, hoping to spur awareness.
  10. Keefe screams "I work for Bruce Wayne!" to incite Bruce to action and to make others think Bruce Wayne endorses this action.
  11. The televised arrest brings Keefe to Lex's attention.
  12. While Keefe is incarcerated, Lex does his homework and figures Keefe the perfect patsy.
  13. Keefe keeps meticulous records of every Superman story, so he probably keeps records of his notes to Bruce as well.
  14. Lex offers Keefe a platform to be seen and Keefe accepts the wheelchair and the appointment with Finch.
  15. Lex sends the final red note on a newspaper clipping to coincide with the bombing.
  16. The day of the bombing, while Keefe is in Washington, Lex plants incriminating evidence in Keefe's apartment (additionally graffiti, bomb materials, etc)
  17. On the helipad, Lex's statements are mere establishes awareness of the notes and not an explicit statement taking responsibility for them all.
That final line is what makes a lot of people leap to the conclusion that Lex is entirely responsible for all the red notes... but I have trouble understanding the motivation or logistics for this line of thinking. A few key questions:
  1. When did Lex start to target Keefe and why? Two years removed from the Senate bombing, before the Committee on Superman had even been formed and before Finch was an enemy, why would Lex persecute an otherwise stable blue collar employee with a family?
  2. Did Keefe ever know about the Victims Fund and how could Lex keep Keefe from learning about it, speaking up about it, or being contacted by the Fund or other victims, etc?
  3. So did Keefe sit in silence for 24 months without checks? What if Keefe just got another sufficient job? How does JUST intercepting checks produce exactly the outcome you want two years later?
  4. Did Lex return the checks monthly? Why would he call attention to his patsy before his plan? What if the Fund intervened in response to the notes, made Keefe whole, and undid the whole point of this?
  5. How do you interpret Keefe crying out, "I work for Bruce Wayne!" If it is for his checks, aren't there better and more reasonable avenues that would have worked earlier? How could Lex control what Keefe would say? If Keefe blurted out, "I want my checks!" wouldn't that ruin Lex's plans?
  6. How did Lex know Keefe would use red wording and abstract phrasing in protest, such that his red notes are consistent with that? What if Keefe wrote glowing letters and testimonies about Bruce online or had some sort of contradictory behavior with the notes? Does it make more sense for the red notes to have predicted Keefe's protest OR for the red notes to come AFTER his protest and ape his style... if the latter, why would Lex intercept checks in ADVANCE of a protest, to send a message via checks using a style he wouldn't know was coming?
  7. Etc.
There's just so many logical inconsistencies with the idea that Lex started stealing checks from this random employee for a long distance plan based on facts Lex couldn't know and factors Lex couldn't control... but people cling to this all out of an interpretation of an incredibly vague line. Seems to me, it's way easier to adjust our interpretation of the line than try to work out logistics for a plan that doesn't make sense.

That said, I may have a blind spot. I might not be able to see some simple logical way Lex was able to do this from the beginning where it makes sense. So I'm open to having that explained to me.

What's your sequence of events? How could he have planned for it to happen as it did? Why would he want to (what's his motivation)?

Wallace Keefe, Lex Luthor, and little red notes

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