dimanche 24 juillet 2016

Tarzan on the Planet of the Apes Fan Fiction idea

TARZAN on the PLANET of the APES

I. U.S. astronaut Taylor is aboard the spaceship Icarus and about to return to earth from deep space after a long mission. He finds the earth that he use to call home, has changed to an apocalyptic wasteland. There are sparse pockets of human survivors who are subordinate to APE rulers.

II. He is then captured by a gorilla squad out on a military campaign to imprison stray humans. Because of his superior intelligence & reasoning he is spared prison and assigned to two scientists, Cornelius & Zira. They are both startled by Taylor & keep referencing a sketch on old parchment they keep out of his view.

Cornelius : He certainly does resemble him don't you think? [looking at sketch w/Zira]
Zira : His hair seems...shorter perhaps? But it is uncanny. [pulling sketch further from Taylor's view]
Taylor : Who are you talking about? I look like who?
Cornelius : Right now its none of your concern. Just a theory we've been working on.

III. Eventually the Ape hierarchy rule the 2 scientists are trying to spread their theory of unfounded facts and cause panic and mass hysteria. They are charged with acts of heresy. The 2 scientists and Taylor are sentenced to death with no trial. The night before they are to be executed they are transferred to the site of the execution. In the process, they are liberated by a group of humans & apes who speed them away on a wagon cart.

Taylor : Who are they? Apes and humans working together. None of this makes sense [looking towards Cornelius & Zira]
Cornelius : Its the Ghost. He has heard of us and reached out to us,always remaining in contact somehow. We have learned a lot from him. Everything he has told us contradicts the APE Law Giver & his doctrines. We have confided his teachings to other Apes we trust.They all wanted to hear the truth.
Zira : All we have researched & our theories were all based on his principles. He's made believers out of us and the other Apes we've entrusted. He's also helped us smuggle Apes out of the city to him for sanctuary. He's very honorable.
Taylor : Is this Ghost the one I look like? [Zira hands him the old sketch. It is a man with long hair resembling Taylor]

IV. The Ghost's caravan eventually arrives at his city. It is a fortress completely surrounded by a high wall. Outside the main gate is a 40 ft. statue of a man with long hair wearing a robe with his arms outstretched.

Taylor : Oh my god ! Is that the Ghost? Thats who is here? Is it....Jesus? [looking in awe of the statue]
Cornelius : Who is Jesus? That is John Clayton, Lord of the Apes.
Taylor : That can't....be. He's my... [astonished]
[the doors open up and the Ghost emerges with Taylor's eyes wide in disbelief]
the Ghost : You've returned. I thought we lost you forever. Welcome home Dad.

Tarzan on the Planet of the Apes Fan Fiction idea

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