mercredi 19 novembre 2014

The visual effects

I don't understand why this show doesn't have a bigger budget. Knowing that "Smallville" was also on The CW--they have Smallville's budget. The effects look the same, only slightly better and a slightly bigger budget than Smallville's, albeit not very impressive.

I mean for this show, it's about a man with super the pilot, you have that close up of Barry's face running in front of the camera, the effect looked so poor. He needs to look like he's running faster than any human can move. Furthermore, he didn't look like he was running at super speed. He looked pretty slow. Now the tornado effect in the pilot episode looked okay but I'm not sure about the Flash's...flash...speed...blur. He shouldn't look like he's running at normal speed when the camera moves with him. I mean effects like where they were doing the "test run" effect in the 4th episode looked sufficient and looked exactly like he should look when he's running.

Now sometimes when The Flash is running at super speed, you see the lightning effects, sometimes yellow and sometimes....well in the 4th episode with Captain Cold, the subway rescue sequence, while the effect partly looked great, it was ruined by no super speed slow motion blur (like in "Smallville", "Clark Time") and they added those cartoony WHITE lightning effects which looked incredibly cheap, and it ultimately really cheapened that effect. Even with a low budget, I think they could do slightly better than that.

Now I'm not all for visual effects, story is important but since it's about a superhero, like I said, with super speed, that calls for at least some decent visual effects, but why they don't have a bigger budget, I do not understand.

The TV series, "Smallville" at first as we know, the first 4 seasons had the budget of a movie. Their visual effects were stunning and impressive. From the super speed to flying and everything else....heat vision, x-ray vision, etc. Over the years however, their budget became lower and lower, and eventually Clark's super speed blur effect looked cheesy, and inaccurate. The super speed blur would be seen for nearly one second after Clark would just swoop in. You're supposed to see that blur for only half a milo second! Otherwise he doesn't look like he's faster than a speeding bullet. It looked cartoony.

Now The Flash's super speed blur occasionally looks like Smallville's really bad super speed blur effect as it was in the series' later seasons (7-10).

Episode 5 in the Flash, the running on water effect looked better but kind of half-assed. Just that shot of Flash carrying the girl, I forgot her name with the immovable water splash.

In X-Men: Day of Future Past, Quicksilver's speed looked believable. He'd speed away, gone. Just like that. He looked fast. The Flash moves like Clark's speed.

I mean every time they have that intro for the Flash, Barry narrates, just before Barry says, "I am...the Flash" you see The Flash speeding down those stairs, while I think the flashy-speedy blur effect looks alright...he doesn't look like he's moving fast enough and he looks about as fast as Clark from Smallville, and...a bullet would get there faster if someone shot a gun before The Flash would have ever reached those stairs. Count the run time. He's supposed to be faster than a speeding bullet.

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