dimanche 30 novembre 2014



...Josh Boone (The Fault in Our Stars) clearly relishes a challenge and having taken on the adaptation of Stephen King's The Stand is now looking to tackle Imajica. Together with Jill Killington, he's announced that he's working to adapt Imajica as a one season TV series...

Josh Boone : "I have this vision in my head of doing all these books I loved when I was young and kind of bringing them to the screen at the highest level they can be brought at, because I know how it was in my head when I read them and how vivid they were...

"When I was a kid I loved this book, Imajica, and we're going to do like a one-season TV mini-series of that novel... I was doing press for Fault [in Our Stars] and this incredible company - I love these guys - called MRC called me and said, 'What do you want to do; we'll option anything you want?' and I said, 'I want to do Imajica as a TV series,' and they were like, 'Let's do it,' and they went and made the deal and I was meeting Clive Barker a couple of weeks later - an incredible experience...

"I'll fit it in after The Stand. You know, there's really nothing like Imajica on TV, it's so out there that like there's not really anything competing with it that makes it that hard to do and we'll do that - I think I shoot the pilot after the first Stand movie and squeeze that in nicely between the first one and the second one."

Josh Boone: The Fault In Our Stand

By Kevin Smith, Hollywood Babble-On (note - full audio at: http://soundcloud.com/hollywoodbabbleon), 17 November 2014

Mark Miller : "We're in talks [for Imajica]. That's all [I'm] allowed to say. I'm excited. It's one of my favs too!"

Twitter Updates

By Mark Miller, 11 November 2014

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