dimanche 30 novembre 2014

De-Age Peggy Carter and Have Her Join the Team

If Agent Carter is a hit, how about the idea of giving Peggy her youth back and having her join the modern team?

It's an easy concept to write now that Whitehall has done it to himself. Create a scenario where Peggy has information that could save thousands. Her health and mental state are so bad that Coulson can't access the information. With Whitehall in SHIELD custody, have Coulson order Simmons to perform the procedure Whitehall did on Skye's mom to Whitehall himself using his own notes. This would put Simmons in a moral crisis and make good drama. What would the rest of the team think about Coulson ordering the butchering of a guy in order to give Peggy her youth back?

How would Peggy feel being pulled in to the Inhumans/GH-325 club without consent? After she's young again and aiding Coulson's team she would have to hide from her loved ones (kids, Sharon, Steve)for their own good just like Coulson is hiding from the cellist. Maybe have fears of the procedure not being permanent or having side-effects.

As they work and lament isolation from those they love, maybe Phil and Peggy would develop romantic feelings. She would feel guilty and never want to tell Steve. Coulson would feel the same way doing such a thing to his idol. All this would add quite the texture to season's three or four.

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