mardi 18 novembre 2014

Spiderman vs. X-Men

If you exclude the two Wolverine spin-off movies then each film franchise has released 5 movies. Sony has released Spiderman 1,2,3 Amazing Spiderman 1 and 2 while Fox has released X-Men 1,2,3, First Class and DOFP. My question for you is which franchise has produced better films. Breaking this down in head to head matchups I came up with the following:

Spiderman vs X-Men both movies were huge hits and are the reason we are in the golden age of superhero movies. However, IMO Spiderman was a slightly better film from start to finish.

Spiderman 1 X-Men 0

Spiderman 2 vs X-Men 2 is another very close call. While I enjoy both films immensely, I have to say Spiderman 2 is the better film. The way Dr. Oc is portrayed and the entire film is done so right mixing humor and really showing the world a Spiderman film I go with Spiderman 2. X-Men 2 is a terrific film with the Nighcrawler opening sequence one of the best in comic book movie history. However I felt like Spiderman 2 is just slightly better and did more for the comic book movie genre.

Spiderman 2 X-Men 0.

Now this is where the tide turns for X-Men. X3 IMO is a vastly superior movie than Spiderman 3. Both films are a large step down in terms of quality to the first two films in each series, however, X3 had some great action scenes, and didn't involve emo Spiderman dancing.

Spiderman 2 X-Men 1.

Next we have both film franchises re-booting where Amazing Spiderman does a full reboot X-Men does a soft re-boot. Deciding to go back in time to tell the story of an early X-Men adventure as opposed to completely retelling the origin story again. Both featured a new cast. IMO again X-Men first class is a far superior movie than Amazing Spiderman. I felt like Amazing Spiderman is a step down from the original Spiderman while X-Men First Class is on par if not better than the original X-Men.

Spiderman 2 X-Men 2.

The final which turns into the largest margin between quality of films yet. X-Men DOFP beats Amazing Spiderman 2 every day and twice on Sunday. DOFP is one of the greatest comic book movies ever while Amazing Spiderman 2 felt like Batman Forever or Spiderman 3 aka horrawful.

X-Men 3 Spiderman 2.

In the end X-Men wins. What are your thoughts?

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