mercredi 19 novembre 2014

Is Steve Rogers suicidal?

A mostly serious question. I have always wondered this. MCU Steve has shown on countless occassions a complete disregard for his own life acting on impulse in an attempt to "save" the lives of others. More often than not, there is an alternative, safer if not more intelligent option in each of these cases.

Whether he's jumping on active grenades, crashing planes that could easily be landed or jumped out of, jumping out of planes with no parachutes/alone into enemy territory, or telling officers to blow up hellicarriers while he's still in them, I propose that Steve may not have a very strong will to live. And it's pretty obvious why this might make some sense...

Both of Steve's parents died as heroes. His inability to perform the same for the first couple decades of his life, combined with being constantly downtrodden by bullies and rejected by women might explain the man's depression. His face says it all in the first third of CA:TFA.

Anyway, I just find it interesting and even if it's not pure suicidal tendencies, it's very clearly a hero complex with (it could be argued) a reckless disregard for his own life.

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