jeudi 20 novembre 2014

Hypelitism Is Wrong

Lately, the insignia 'H.E.' (For Hype Elitists) has sprung up beneath the signatures of a growing movement of Hypesters, promoting an ideology of a social class of posters (the "Elite") as superior to the majority.

This is wrong, a morally volatile devolution from the Hype we know we can be. We can be a beacon of hope in a bleak world, a place where everyone can disagree, fight about it, then move past it and accept their differences. And occasionally bring them back up in a Deathmatch. :hehe:

But Hypelitism is wrong. We need to begin the path to Hypequality.

I furthermore believe that Hypelitism is an extension of NIN prejudices as propagated by the former Parker Wayne, and through his puppet Sawyer they are now beginning to wage a secret war on Kane52630, leader of the Numerican Hypesters. Cut the head off the snake and the body will flounder, I believe the words were. And if Kane falls, then the rest of the Free Hype will follow.

Who knows what forces C. Lee will unleash should H.E. attain too much influence.

The Hype Elitists must be stopped from destroying the Hype, but with kindness :hehe: through Equal Hypester Harmony.

End Manifesto.

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