Global Frequency Drama Produced By Jerry Bruckheimer Set At Fox With Big Commitment by Nellie Andreeva Another top Warner Bros. TV producer, Jerry Bruckheimer, is taking on a DC Entertainment property for a high-profile drama project that has landed a pilot production commitment at Fox. Global Frequency is based on the graphic novel created by Warren Ellis, from DC Entertainments Vertigo imprint. The adaptation will be penned by respected sci-fi writer, Farscape and Defiance creator Rockne S. OBannon. The show will chronicle the workings of The Global Frequency, a privately funded crime-fighting operation that uses worldwide crowd-sourcing to solve crimes the police cannot. Bruckheimer, Jonathan Littman, Warren Ellis and OBannon will executive produce and KristieAnne Reed will co-executive produce for Jerry Bruckheimer TV and Warner Bros. TV. Global Frequency is part of the expansion of WBTV-DC Entertainments TV portfolio that started last year, following the success of Arrow on the CW. There were four WBTV-DC pilots last season, all four went to series. Two of the three that have debuted, Foxs Gotham and the CWs The Flash, are among the biggest hits of the fall and have already received full-season orders. There hasnt been a decision yet on Constantine, on which OBannon is writing, and iZombie debuts in midseason. This development season, Global Frequency is joining WBTVs Supergirl,which has a series commitment at CBS, and Lucifer, also based on a Vertigo property, which has a put pilot commitment at Fox. WBTV has tried developing a Global Frequency TV series before. An adaptation produced by Mark Burnett went to pilot at the WB in 2005 with Michelle Forbes and Josh Hopkins starring. There was another script developed at the CW five years ago, which didnt go to pilot. Bruckheimer is joining fellow WBTV A-list producer Greg Berlanti, who is behind a number of DC-themed projects, Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl as well as Riverdale, based on the Archie Comics characters, in development at Fox. In addition to Global Frequency, Bruckheimer TV has legal drama Acquittal at CBS with a put pilot commitment and is developing a limited series at Fox based on the Carrie Underwood song Two Black Cadillac at Fox. The company also has the untitled Miami drama pilot at TNT, which is now casting. This is OBannons latest project at WBTV where he created/executive Cult and also worked on V and Revolution. |
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